Gender reveal - 53

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Emerald's POV

"You excited?" Christian asks me as he gives me a kiss on the forehead, I give him a nod and smile.

"I'm super excited." I tell him honestly. Today is the day that we both will find out if we are having a baby boy or a baby girl. It's so exciting and also a bit scary, everything is happening so fast.

I have already been to get my check up, they have the news if I am having a boy or a girl but Christian told the doctor to write it down and fold it up so that we can't see yet.

I want this big gender reveal, it's being planned by Eric, Christians's brother. Oh I am so excited, this is going to be amazing.

To be honest, I just want my baby to be healthy, I don't mind if it's a girl or a boy at all.

The party is starting in an hour - just one more hour until I find out my babies gender. Oh I am just so happy right now. I feel great!

I have a dress that I am going to wear, it isn't super fancy but it's really pretty. I don't have much energy to dress up a lot so I'm going to wear a khaki coloured dress, it's simple and sophisticated.

I lie my head down on Christian's chest, "You know the party starts in like an hour?" I ask Christian and laugh. We've been so lazy, sleeping and cuddling almost all day.

"Yeah." He says quietly, "Agh, I just want to cuddle with you all day."

"Yeah me too." I tell him, I get up slowly and look at him, "But we have so much to do, so much to prepare. So get up lazy bum."

He gets up and rolls his eyes, "Says you." 

"Oi." I chuckle, "I have a reason to be lazy. I'm carrying a bab-."

"I heard it all before at least a million times." He kisses my forehead, "Let's go downstairs." He suggests. We walk downstairs together and then I gasp. Everything is already done and prepared.

I look at Christian and smile, "You did this?" I ask him and he gives me a nod.

I look around, the hallway and the living room is amazingly decorated with blue and pink balloons everywhere. There is and massive cake, there's sweets, crisps, popcorn, chocolate... WOW.

There's pizza, burger, fries, so much drinks and there's some roast chicken. Everything looks so fabulous, I am so shocked. This is the best thing ever.

"Well I had some help from my brothers." Christian smiles at me and holds my hand.

"You're going to make me cry." I mumble, I put my arms around him and gives him a kiss. "I fucking love you so much."

"I fucking love you so much as well." He smirks, "You go get dressed babe, I'll just get some cutlery and stuff out."

"Right, ok." I say with a smile on my face, I walk upstairs feeling so happy and then I get changed.
I put on my dress, I feel so happy and I haven't felt this way for so long.

I apply a little bit of makeup - just some red lipstick, mascara and eyeliner. I then put my hair in curls and leave it out, I look at myself in the mirror and put my hands on my stomach. "I can't wait to meet you my prince or princess." I whisper and smile.

I hear a knock on the room door, I look back and Christian walks in, "Hey gorgeous." He says to me and smiles. I smile back at him as he walks over to me and gives me a passionate kiss. I hug hug tight and rest my head on his shoulders. "Hey." I reply back to him in a mutter.

"My annoying siblings are downstairs." He chuckles and he kisses the top of my hand.

"Well we better go down there." I tell him and laugh, we go downstairs together. I see Camila, Eric and Elijah, they all look extremely happy.

"Hello." Eric and Elijah  say to me in unison. Camila walks over to me and gives me a hug, "Hey!" She whisper shouts.

"Hello." I say to all of them, "How are you all?"

"We're doing great." Elijah says to me and he nods, "How about you?"

"I'm doing great as well." I tell them happily.

"Come on let's go into the dining room and sit down." Christian says, we all follow him into the dining room and sit down at the table.

The food looks delicious, I really want to just eat it all myself.

There's a knock on the door, Christian gets up, "I'll go and get that." He says before he walks off to open the door.

A few seconds later, my mum, my brother Luke and Lola walk in. "Hey." I say excitedly as I get up and give them all a massive hug. I missed my mummy.

"How are you sweetie?" My mum asks me.

"I'm great." I respond before I sit back down at the table. Luke, Lola and my mum sit down as well.

We all talk, laugh and joke. We also do a vote on if I am having a baby boy or a baby girl.

Luke, Elijah, Lola and Eric all think I am having a boy while my mum and Camila think I am having a girl.

To be honest I'm not sure if it's going to be a boy or girl. I just can't guess and choose one.

Christian also thinks it's going to be a baby boy, fathers instinct he says. Every time he reminds me, "Babe, watch. I promise you it's going to be a boy. Fathers instinct, I just know." He says proudly and passionately.

Well we will find out very soon.

We finish eating, I take a sip of water and look at Camila, she gives me a smile and then gets up from her chair. "Ok." She says loudly, "Now, it's time to find out if I am having a nephew or niece." 

"Yeah it's time." I agree with her, "I want to know if I am having a baby boy or a baby girl."

"Well then, cut the cake." Elijah smiles as he hands me a knife. "If its a blue filling it is a boy, if it is a pink filling then it is a girl." He says to me, I give him a nod.

"Want to help me cut the cake?" I ask Christian.

"Sure." He says, I hold onto the knife and he puts his hand over mine. "Fuck." He mumbles, "I think I am going to cry."

"No way." Camila starts laughing, "Now I need to get my phone out to record th-."

"Shut it." He chuckles, he then looks at me and kisses my nose. "Lets cut the cake."

We both slowly cut in to the cake... Blue. IT A BLUE FILLING.


Oh my lord. 

Sieieieidfkkdkekkeoe I feel like this book is so dead.

But you knowww vote,  comment and share X

Bye,  I need sleep :)

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