Ruined - 36

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Emerald's POV

Luke is coming over today. We're going to talk, have lunch - I need to tell him that dad is dead. I'm not sure how Luke is going to take the news but I don't want to think about that much right now. I want to spend time with my brother because the last time I met him it didn't really go that well.

I go into the kitchen and I decide to cut some cucumbers for a salad. I add in cut tomatoes, lettuce, olives and seasoning.

For lunch we are just going to have cheese sandwiches and salad. Luke called me yesterday and told me that he wants to do more talking instead of eating.

At first Christian was unsure if he wanted to have Luke over. They really don't like each other. Christian was ranting all last night about how annoying my brother is. About how he is cunning, rude, controlling, etc.

I had to calm Christian down, he was getting really angry and aggressive. He told me that the only reason he is letting Luke to visit me is because he loves me and cares about. He said he will do anything to make me happy.

"Emerald." Christian walks into the kitchen. I turn around to face him, he walks more closer to me and holds both of my hands. "I got you something."

"Why?" I ask him. "You didn't have to." I give him a kiss on the cheeks.

"I wanted to." He smiles at me. "It's upstairs, follow me."

We walk upstairs, he takes me into his room. On the bed I see a box which is impressively wrapped up.

"Unwrap it." He says happily. I sit on the bed and I unwrap the present, there's a box, I take the lid off and then I see a gorgeous dress.

"Wow." I exclaim. I slowly take the dress out and I look at it. It is so beautiful, I absolutely love it. "Thank you." I kiss Christian and give him a hug. "I love it, it's amazing." I whisper.

"I am glad you like it." He kisses my forehead. "You can wear it for the party."

"What party?" I ask with a confused look on my face.

"Your birthday party." He smirks at me.

"How did you know?" I ask with curiosity. Christian gives me a weird look and then chuckles.

"I know everything babe." He kisses me, "And I'd obviously know when your birthday is."

"Oh Lord." I sigh, "I'm going to be twenty three years old... That's pretty old."

"Well you've got many years to come." He smiles at me, "And we are going to spend the rest of our lives together." He says which makes me smile back at him.

There's a knock on the door, Christian takes a deep breath. "I guess he is here then." Christian sighs, "Let's go." He holds my hand and we walk downstairs. Christian opens the door, "Hello."
He says to Luke and Luke gives a smile and nod.


Lunch was going great. We were eating the sandwiches and talking. There were a few awkward moments with Christian and Luke. Every time they said something to each other I would just laugh it off. I don't want them to fight.

I still haven't told Luke the news about dad being dead. I don't know what reaction he will have and it is making me feel anxious.
"So..." I say quietly, "Well there was a reason why I called you over. I obviously missed you and I wanted to see you but there's something else." Luke looks at me with curiosity and he leans in more closer as if he is waiting for me to say something.

"What is it?" Luke asks me as I take in a deep breath.

"It's dad." I murmur, "Dad's dead."

"What?" He exasperates. "When and how?"

"A few days ago." I say and I totally ignore the how bit.

"I-I don't know what to really say." Luke mumbles, "I mean he was still our dad and- wait, how did he die though, what happened?"

"One of my members killed him." Christian interrupts loudly. Seriously Christian? Why? Why? WHY!? You could have found a way to say that in a more subtle way.

"Emerald." Luke says firmly, "You know this and you still stay with him?"

"What the hell is your problem now?" I shout angrily. "You're actually unbelievable. You know nothing about Christian's life-."

"I know that he is a fucking serial killer." Luke groans. "Emer-."

"You know what." Christian snaps, "I've tried being nice to you... Not anymore, go, get the fuck out of my house."

"I'm talking to my sister." Luke stands up and shouts.

"Well your sister is done talking to you." I mutter. "You never listen so just do yourself a favour and get out."

"Emerald please-." Luke whines, he comes closer to me. "I'm sorry."

"I'm not in the mood for your stupidity!" I close my eyes and sigh, "Please just l-leave. Now!"

Luke puts his fingers through his dark black hair, "Sorry Emerald." He whispers before leaving the house.

Christian slowly looks at me, "I'm sorry-." He tries to say but I just walk out of the room.

I have a major headache, I can't be bothered to be dealing with two immature idiots right now.

Christian could have left me to do the talking and Luke just really needs to shut up. He has no idea about Christian's life, he doesn't know about what Christian has been through. It annoys me so much when Luke criticises Christian. He needs to calm down.

I go upstairs and go to my room, I sit down on the bed. I look at the frame of my mum, how I miss her so much.
There's a light knock on the door, I don't say anything. Christian comes into the room and sits next to me on the bed.

"Emerald." He whispers and he holds my hand, "I'm really sorry. I was stupid and irrational."
I don't look at him, I don't know what to say. I just stay silent and I look at the photo of my mum.
"Please look at me." Christian sighs, "Em-."

I look at him, "What do you want me to say... Or do?"

"I want your forgiveness." He says sadly. "I'm sorry for upsetting you princess."

"I'm fine." I give a weak smile.

He kisses my forehead and smiles. "You're so beautiful." He whispers, "And I love you so much."

Don't worry people. More drama in the next chapter. Hope you're excited.

Thank you so much for reading. Love you so much.

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Song - Taylor Swift, ZAYN - I don't want live forever.

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