Commitment - 22

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Christian's POV

Yesterday was fantastic, it was so nice hanging out with my sister and Emerald.

I've realised how much I have actually missed Camila, we haven't spent quality time together for so long.

I've been extremely busy with the mafia business and I've been stressed about everything going on in my life.
I have always got to be looking over my shoulder. I'm so afraid of trusting people and then everything being destroyed.

I'm in the kitchen and I am making breakfast for Camila and Emerald - they think I am way too lazy which is just bullshit.

I'm making waffles, pancakes and some tea as well. Talk about lazy?

Camila has been wanting to talk to me in private, I am not sure what she's going to say but it sounded kind of serious so I better talk to her soon before she slaughters me.

I pour in some tea in a mug and I hand it to Camila, I then pour in the tea for Emerald and I give it to her.

I grab some plates and put in waffles in one plate and in the other I put some delicious pancakes.

"Here lazy people." I say to Camila and Emerald as I pass them the plates of waffles and pancakes.

"This looks so great." Emerald smiles, "Thanks."

"I'm not your friend." I stick my tongue out at Emerald.

"Why not?" She asks with a funny confused look on her face, "What the hell did I do?"

"You said I'm lazy."

"God Christian. You're so childish." She laughs and then she takes a sip of her tea.

"Oh... Now I'm childish?" I groan and Camila rolls her eyes.

"Both of you shut the fuck up." Camila says, "You sound like problematic married couples."


"Emerald is right though." Camila says as she chews a piece of pancake, "This is fabulous."

"Just like me." I chuckle.

"Bloody hell." Camila looks at me and shakes her head.

"What." I say, "I'm just being honest, you both should try it sometimes."

"Just stop talking love." Emerald laughs and I can't help but have a big smile on my face, she looks so adorable, so god damn gorgeous when she smiles. Seeing her happy makes me happy.

My phone starts ringing, it's Liam, I quickly answer it. "Hi."

"Hi Christian." Liam says, "Need to ask you something."

"Go on then."

"Have you told Emerald...About her brother?" He asks and I sigh, I really can't be bothered to deal with this right now, it is stressing me out and it makes me feel guilty.

"No." I take a deep breath, "I haven't and I'm not."

"You have to."

"Listen Liam." I say sternly, "You know you're still like a brother to me but I'm still your boss. I'm not telling her so just don't bother me about it again."

"I don't give a shit Christian." He shouts, "You may be my boss but yes, you're also my friend and I know that when eventually Emerald finds out about her twin brother she will go crazy and there is going to be a bigger problem."

I know that he is right but no, I can't tell her and I'm not backing down.

"I told you... It's a no, just leave it at that." I say and then I hang up, I slam my phone on the kitchen counter, Emerald looks up at me.

"You alright?" She asks with concern evident in her sweet voice. I nod at her and smile, she gets back to eating her breakfast and I do as well.

I take the last sip of my mug of tea, Camila looks at me. "Can we talk now?" She asks as she gets up.

"Yeah." I say, "We will both be back in a bit, we just need to talk."

Camila and I get out of the kitchen and go into the living room, we both sit down on the sofa. I face her and look at her waiting for her to ask me whatever she needs to ask me but she doesn't say anything.

Oh for heavens sake.

"So..?" I say, "What is it that you need to ask me?"


"What about her?" I ask. I am now really curious about what Camila wants to tell me.

"I know how you feel about her." She says after taking a deep breath, "I know th-."

"That nothing." I roll my eyes, "Yes, I love her but only as a friend, I care about her."

"Whatever Christian." Camila mutters, "You really need to just man up."

"What the fuck do you mean?" I ask in an annoyed voice, "The things I've done and seen has made me a man ok!"

"Oh Christian." She sighs and I look at her waiting for her to say something more... Interesting. "You still haven't changed, you think that your life just revolves around the Mafia, you think by killing people and seeing 'what you have seen' makes you strong?" She shouts, "It doesn't Christian! Lying to yourself isn't something a strong person would do."

Damn, she is right. I know she is right but I don't want to give her the benefit of the doubt, I don't want to hurt my man pride. I better think of something to say to make her shut up but knowing Camila she never stops talking, she could go on and on until you fall asleep and usually that is really quick. 

Camila likes to talk a lot and most of the times it is just utter bullshit, this is probably the first time in her whole life she is making sense. 

"You know nothing about my life." I groan, "Just leave it, please, my life is way too complicated and I am not ready for commitment."

"Mum would be disappointed with you." She says lastly as she gets up and walks out of the room with a defeated look on her face. 

Again, she is right. My mum wouldn't be exactly proud of my lifestyle. It is a mess, I am a mess. It used to be a new girl every week but now that Emerald is here she makes me want to be a better person. 

Emerald has changed me, I have become less rude... I have realised that. Emerald has made me want to let go of always being a ruthless dick head and playboy. It has made me want to enjoy life more, it has made me realise how much I have. I have loving people around me, that is what is important. They love me and I love them. Without them I am nothing. 

I have realised all that.

"I think it's the year of realising things." - Readers, I got inspired by Kylie Jenner on this one.

Thank you so much for reading.

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Song - ZAYN - Dusk Till Dawn ft. Sia.
- absolutely love the song and music video.

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