Trust - 11

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Emerald's POV.

I ran down the stairs and left Christian's house slamming the door behind me.

Just yesterday night I was going crazy about how amazing he is and how much he has done for me... I really shouldn't put my hopes up that much.

I feel like an idiot! Dammit!

To think that a guy like him would go for a girl like me..? Whatever... He can go suck a dick. Dumb prick.

I get a taxi home and when I get to my house I straightway get something strong to drink.

I have a few sips of vodka and I feel like the pain is fading away.

But obviously it's not, it never will.

I take another sip of the vodka and then I hear someone walking. Shit I must have left the door unlocked.

I then see a shadow; a womanly figure and then she walks into the kitchen. It's Lola.

I take a breath and then another sip of my drink, "Thank you for scaring the fuck out of me." I mutter and then Lola looks at me with pity in her eyes.

"Give me the bottle Em." Lola sighs, "Just please give me it." She says and she tries taking the bottle away from me.

"No. Let go of it." I shout, trying to get a better grip of the bottle.

"Please just give it to me Emerald." She demands and she tries to take the bottle away from me.

The grip on my hands weakens and the bottle smashes on the floor making me feel like punching a wall.

"Oh great another mess I've got to do deal with." I mutter, "That was expensive as well."

"Why Lola? Why are you doing this to yourself?" She asks as she massages her forehead.

"What... Doing what? I'm just having a damn drink." I yell and she puts her head down on the kitchen counter before looking back at me.

"You're seriously going to make yourself ill!" She snaps and then she takes a breath, she then puts the kettle on.

Tears start to roll down my face and then I shake my head, "I don't care." I whisper and then I sit down on top of the kitchen counter.

"Well I care." Lola states and she gets out a mug from the kitchen draw. Lola pours hot water from the kettle into the mug and then she turns the tap on, she puts a little bit of cold water into the mug as well and then she hands it to me, "Here, sober up."

I take a sip of the hot water and sigh.

"I'll clean this mess up. Go get some sleep ok?" Lola mutters and she puts her hand through her long, silky blonde hair.

"Ok." I whisper and I walk out of the kitchen, being a little careful that I don't step on the broken glass - I wouldn't really care if I do step on it.

"Wait Em." Lola shouts, making me slowly walk back into the kitchen.


"Is it alright if I stay over. I'll sleep on the sofa."

I give her an odd look, "You can sleep in my bed, I'll sleep in my mums." I say and I walk upstairs into my mums room.

Lola's POV

I clean up the broken glass on the floor and then I clean up the whole kitchen and the living room. It's like a pigsty in here.

I know that Emerald has been going through a very difficult time lately and when she has problems she bottles them up... Like literally.
I've known Emerald for a few years and what broke her the most was her dick head ex boyfriend raping her... After that she shut everyone out and all she would do is drink and try to wash the pain away.

I know her mothers death also caused things to go ever worse. Every day that she goes into work she is either hungover or she will be sneakily drinking on her shifts.
Another thing that I know about Emerald is that when something bad happens she doesn't know how to let it go, she will think about everything bad that has happened in the past as well and mix it all up like its some toxic potion.

I go upstairs to Emerald's room and I clean it up a bit as well; it isn't as messy and I know why.
Emerald barely answers her phone because she's never alert, she's always out; either at the pub or in the park.

Emerald is the type of girl who never listens... Ever.
The girl has a heart of gold but damn she is stubborn.

I love her though and she is my best friend so I will do whatever i takes to get through to her.

I hop into bed and then I hear Emerald's phone ringing - I know it's hers because her ringtone is 'I'm a barbie girl' ... Don't ask why.

I check the name on the screen and its her dad. I hesitantly just answer the phone.


"Hey? Who is this?" Emerald's dad asks.

"Sorry, it's Lola. Emerald's asleep."

"Oh hey Lola. How are you?"

"I'm good."

"Ok. Um can you tell Emerald - when she's awake to go over to mine and just stay over for a while." He says.

"Yeah I'll ask her." I say and I hang up.

I put the phone down and take a deep breath.

I hate Emerald's dad. So much! He has never been there for Emerald and that angers me so much.

I know Emerald is an adult but everyone needs a parent.

My mum and dad; I love them so much. They live in Birmingham - I visit them sometimes but lately I have been busy so I don't get the time to drive all the way to Birmingham.

I should take Emerald to Birmingham, it would do her good and my mum and her get on perfectly; it would be great.

Thank you for reading loves.

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Song - Cashmere Cat - Trust Nobody ft Selena Gomez, Tory Lanez

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