Chapter 34: The Wedding Part 1-Entering the Castle

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Loki's P.O.V.

     It is around five o'clock in the morning, and I was in the kitchen getting something to eat before Wade arrives. All of the avengers, including myself, are already dressed in our armor ready to attack Thanos. We all tried our best to sleep, however, Stark and I could do anything but sleep. I was training and reading all night while Stark was tinkering with his suits. The tower was dead silent as everyone was eating. The only thing that could be heard was the sound of utensils and people drinking their coffee. Everyone was either too busy thinking to or too nervous to say a word. I was about to clean up my dish, when the elevator dinged. The avengers and I ran to the door hoping it was Wade. The doors opened and inside was a FedEx delivery guy.

"Hello, I'm looking for a Tony Stank. Is there a Tony Stank in here?" He asked. Everyone just bring out laughing, except for Stark who's face turned bright red.

"Yes, Tony Stank is right here." Barton said in between laughs.

"Yes, I'm Tony Stark." Stark said.

"Ok, Mr.Stank, I'm going to need you to sign this sheet before I can give this to you." He said. Stark rolled his eyes and signed the paperwork. "Thank you Mr.Stank."

"No thank you." Barton said.

      Stark took the large package into the kitchen. As he put it on the counter, a katana popped out of the box and cut it open, and Wade jumped out.

"Never, ever travel by box! I have seen and heard some nasty shit!" Wade said.

"Wait, Dead ghoul what are you doing here? If your looking for Liz she isn't here." Stark said.

"First off it's Deadpool, second I'm Wade dumbass." He said.

"So, you know where Liz is, and you haven't even done something to help her? I thought you too were friends and some shit, but clearly I was wrong." Stark said.

"Hey listen here crap bag, I'm here to help you save Liz and I didn't do anything yet because I didn't know where Thanos was holding her hostage. The only reason I told you all to wait for a few days is because I have an invitation to the wedding, which indicates that she will be there and will be easier to get, and I also wanted to try mailing myself, which was a huge mistake." He said.

"Wait, how are you still alive?" Natasha asked.

"Being immortal is a bitch, but has some rewards." He replied. "Ok everyone suit up because it's about to get bloody."

"Wait, don't we need a plan?" Natasha asked.

"I have a plan, attack." He said.

"I like his style." Stark said.

      Everyone left to get their weapons. Stark got his suit, Natasha got her guns, Barton got his bow and arrows, Thor just grabbed his hammer, Steve got his shield, and Banner and I waited at the elevator with Wade.

"Don't you guys need your shit?" Wade asked.

"I use magic to get my weapons." I replied.

"I just use anger to become a weapon." Banner said.

"Cool and what? How the hell do you turn anger into a weapon?"

"I turn into a monster whenever I'm angry."

"Ok?" Wade said clearly not understanding what Banner was saying. "Is everyone ready to go, because I'm leaving with or without you in five minutes." Wade said. Shortly after they all arrived.

"Ok, how do we get there?" Stark asked.

"Simple, we use the portal." Wade said.

"What portal?" I asked.

"There is a portal inside the invitation that leads you to the castle. If you are the owner of the invitation you can pass through, but if not you die a painful death." He said.

"Yeah, but we are not the owner of the invitation." I said.

"Just hold onto my foot and the system will let you pass thinking it's me." As soon as he said that we all grabbed onto him and he almost fell. "Not like that you dumbasses. You need to form a line. One person hold my foot, then the next person hold the persons in front of them's foot, and so on." We did as he said. "Hold on tight is a bumpy ride." He said as we flew through the portal.

      The portal was full of vibrant colors that burned my eyes. I closed my eyes and waited for the ride to end. When we landed we were in the middle of a long dark hallway.

"Where are we Wade?" I asked.

"We are at Thanos' castle, but away from the crowds. I forgot you all need a disguise to blend in." He said.

I used my magic to cast an illusion on everyone's outfits and caused them to wear dark colors and similar outfits I saw when I was last here working for Thanos.

"Perfect." Wade said. "Now everyone split up and look for Liz."

Everyone grabbed a partner. Natasha with Barton, Steve with Thor, Banner with Tony, and I was the odd man out, since Wade claimed he was a lone wolf. We all kept communication by communicators in our ears. I went down the east corridor and used my magic to see through walls. I looked through all the rooms till the last one at the end of the hallway. My magic wouldn't let me see through it, so I decided to take a risk and see if she was inside the room.

I turned the knob and.............

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