Chapter 38: She Lives

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Loki's P.O.V.

     Once we got back to the tower I placed her body on her bed in her room. The room we have shared seems to have darkened. I then kneeled right next to the bed and broke down in tears crying and crying until I fell asleep. When I woke up I felt crust in my eyes and wiped it away. I went to look at Elizabeth one more time but realized her body was gone. I ran all over the tower to find the rest of the avengers. I later on find them in the kitchen drinking with Tony.

"Have any of you moved Elizabeth's body?" I asked.

"We haven't seen her body since you brought it to the tower and took it up to your room. Why what happened to it?" Natasha asked.

"It's gone." I said.

"What do you mean it's gone? It's not like a dead body can go anywhere." Stark said.

"Unless her parents did something with it." Wade said from the living room.

"What are you still doing here I thought you left." Stark said.

"And miss all this free booze, are you insane?" Wade said.

"Wait, what is this about her parents?" Natasha asked.

"Well since she is their only daughter and stuff I would assume they took it to one of their lands for a funeral or something. But good luck finding it, it can be in any world and could already be buried." Wade said.

"Why are you so calm about this?" Steve asked.

"Well, it's not her first time dying." Wade said.

"What do you mean it's not her first time dying?" I asked.

"I've said too much. Well I gotta go bye." Wade said as he jumped out the window.

"Wait." Tony yelled, but it was too late.

Eclipsa's P.O.V.

I was in the underworld with all of Elizabeth's parents, including Zeus.

"It has happened again the girl has died and has brought down the one we feared the most." Joker said.

"Yes, but at what cost? We can no longer be immortal unless we bring him back to life and if we do we will be punished for her betrayal. She knew her destiny since birth and yet went against it. She failed us for love." I said.

"Well we can still use this as an opportunity." Hades said.

"How?" My husband asked.

"Well we can use her as her dead father wanted to use her, as a HYDRA spy who will first take over Midgard and then the other nine realms." Hades said.

"Not if she remembers her lover." I said.

"We will just wipe her mind and change a few memories." Hades said.

"How?" Harley asked.

"With Zeus' power and my power mixed we can provide a serum that can do that and then all we have to do is say a few words before and after every mission she does." Hades said.

"No, I refuse to play a part in this. We should be restoring peace with her not chaos and destruction." Zeus said.

"Very well." Hades said as he knocked him out cold. "That should give us enough time to take some of his power for the serum."

"How long will it take?" Joker asked.

"It will take about two hours to brainwash her." Hades said.

"How long do you believe we should wait before we put her back into action?" I asked.

"I would say we should train her a month or two just for precaution. If any of the avengers see her too soon they will try and get her to remember." Joker said.

"I agree, we must prevent the avengers from interfering. How about we send the Winter Soldier out with her just for extra protection. He's fierce and has yet to fail a mission in the last 60 years." My husband said.

"Yes that would be perfect. The Winter Soldier would be a perfect match for Elizabeth for on the field. They have similar hand to hand combat skills and use similar weapons." I said.

"It's decided, once I inject this serum everything is going to turn for the better for us." Hades said as he injected Elizabeth with the serum. "Now all we have to do is wait."

------------------------------------2 Hours Later-----------------------------------

Elizabeth opens her eyes and then Hades starts to say the words that will help the serum transform Elizabeth into a HYDRA soldier.

"Winter........Iron.........Ice.........Gun.........Dagger.........Night.........Sixteen........Death...... Good morning soldier."

"Winter Assassin ready to comply." Elizabeth said.

"Go change into your uniform there is much work to be done." Hades said.


That's the end of Book 1 but Book 2 will be out either tomorrow or the next day. I'm sorry for the delays but I had some things pop up last minute. So what did you guys think? If you liked it please leave a comment, like, or vote. If you have any questions, comments, or requests please let me know. I'll see you guys in the next book. Bye.

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