Chapter 22: Planning a Trip

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Elizabeth's P.O.V.

The last few days seem to have been repetitive. I wake up with Loki's arm wrapped around my waist, I eat, train, eat, read, eat, and go to bed before Loki does. I try to not make to make my chances of seeing Loki as little as possible. I mean it's not that I hate Loki it just seems a little awkward that I'm getting married to him and don't know a thing about him. I only know what I have been told or what I have read about him. So all I know about him is he is a former Jotun Prince who was disowned, he was adopted by Odin, Thor likes him but he doesn't like Thor, he likes to read, he can do magic, and he tried to take over the world and lost. I have little to nothing to say to him. The only reason I do not mind him sleeping with me is so I don't have to wed Thanos.

I was up drinking my coffee reading the newspaper in the living room alone. I was in a black leather chair that had a velvet pillow on the top of it. The newspaper was almost the same as yesterday. I'm reading on how a new panda was born in some zoo when I hear someone clear their throat. I look up from the paper and see Loki's piercing green eyes staring back into my blue eyes. I brought the paper back up and continued to read it. He cleared his throat again.

"Can I help you?" I ask.

"Yes, I feel as if you've been trying to ignore and neglect me." He replied.

"What makes you think that?"

"For one, you've been waking up and going to bed before me. Two, I only see you when I go to bed. Three, you haven't talked to me in days. And four, I can never find you anywhere everyday."

"Why didn't you ask JARVIS about my whereabouts?"

"He said you were in your room, however you were not. Where were you?"

"I was in my training room. As you know, I do not want everyone to know about my abilities so I have to train my magic in private."

"Very well, but know that we are talking we still have a lot to do before and for our wedding." As he said that I folded the newspaper and threw it on the desk.

"OH MY GOSH!!! Why does everyone only want to talk about my weddings or plan my weddings I'm sick of it. I stopped caring at age five and I just finished planning one."

"Yes, one you won't even be at."

"Sometimes I wish you would shut up. You know that?"

"Yes love, you sometimes express that through your actions. So, as I was saying before we do get married it is a tradition for the bride and groom to meet their in-laws before they wed so we have to do that. We also still have to plan the wedding," I was about to open my mouth when Loki continued talking "and I do not recommend you going to Stark and asking for him to do it for you because his ideas are questionable." I closed my mouth. Damn it the only chance I had to not plan a wedding. Unless....

"Loki, dear. Since you think your ideas are better than Tony's why don't you plan the wedding?"

"No it's a couple's project. I couldn't possibly do it alone."

"Well considering the fact that this marriage isn't really based on love and we never said we are an official couple I do not believe I have to partake in this so called 'project', dear."

"Fine, if you do not wish to help me I guess that I will pick out your dress and rings."

"Correct, for all I care I could walk out in a trash bag and could careless."

"Fine, but don't come crying to me if you don't like how I plan this wedding and who comes to it."

"Fine." I say as I grab my empty cup and walk out the door.

"Oh and love, we are leaving for Asgard tomorrow so I suggest you pack a bag."

"Great." I growled. I really do not want to go back to Asgard. The All-Father and Queen were nice to me whenever I visited them, but they know my destiny. How will they react to me marrying their adopted son, and putting him in great danger? I walked back to my room and grabbed a bag. I went to my closet and looked for my old Asgardian dresses to wear. They typically wore dresses with armor on it, which wasn't always comfortable. I grabbed a handful of them, not knowing how long I'd be there. As I was packing I realized I'd need my crown to represent my royal position.

"Crap, where is it." I said as I looked around my room for it.

"What are you looking for?" I hear Loki say.

"I'm looking for my freaking crown. It is sliver with sapphires on it."

"Wait, are your colors silver and blue?"

"Yes, that's why my room was the only one in the palace, that we were staying in, wasn't black, purple, or red. My family respects each of their colors and my own." I say as I look under my bed. I continue looking for about another five minutes until I hear Loki.

"Is this your crown?" He asks as he raises it over his head

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"Is this your crown?" He asks as he raises it over his head.^

"Yes, where was it?"

"It was in this basket under your desk. Speaking of which do you need a crown?"

"It shows that I am royalty by blood and it is a tradition. Besides this crown changes depending on my outfit because it has magic in it." I said as I put it on my bed side table, so I know to put it on tomorrow.

"In Asgard we wear helmets as crowns, and that is only for special occasions."

"Like the gala in Germany was such a special occasion?"

"Well it was the start of my reign of Midgard."

"That fell a week or so later."

"Just finish packing!" Loki said as he stormed out. Clearly his invasion of Midgard was a sensitive topic."

So what did you think? I will do my next chapter in Asgard. I'm sorry for not updating sooner. I hope you like it, even though I'm not really following the movies. If you have any questions or ideas let me know. Please comment and vote and I will update as soon as possible. Thanks again.

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