Chapter 24: Telling Odin and Frigga

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Elizabeth's P.O.V.

"Heimdall, how have you fared?" I asked him.

"Very well Princess." He said as Loki and Thor headed to the exit. I was about to leave as well when Heimdall said one last thing.

"I suggested that you only let the All-father and Queen know of your engagement to Loki. Do not inform the servants or Hela on this matter, they cannot keep secrets. If an ally or spy of your parents or Thanos were to find out about this, you'd be in much trouble." He warned.

"You know that I've never played by the rules, but I will make sure that doesn't happens." I reply. "Thank you once again Heimdall, I hope to see you soon."

"As do I, Princess." He said as I walked out to catch up with Thor and Loki.

Loki's P.O.V.

     After Elizabeth and Heimdall caught up on a few things we started to make our way down the Rainbow bridge. As we were walking the bridge seemed to make Elizabeth's outfit glow. She walked as if she was in charge. She was dangerous and beautiful, what a dangerous mix. I couldn't help but stare at her. What would mother think of this? What will Odin do to humiliate me? Will I be sent to the dungeons again?

"Loki, are you alright?" Elizabeth asked me with her angelic voice. I swear this women is going to be the death of me.

"I'm perfectly fine, love. I'm just thinking." I replied. The walk seemed to last only for a few seconds. When we were at the gates of the palace, all my anxiety spiked up.

Elizabeth's P.O.V.

When I caught up to Thor and Loki, I couldn't help but see how much Asgard has changed. The city itself seemed to be the same, but the bridge was remodeled and the palace looked brighter than I remembered. When my focus came back to the task of walking back to the palace, I saw Loki staring at me with his eyebrows scrunched together.

"Loki, are you alright?" I asked somewhat concerned about his wellbeing.

"I'm perfectly fine, love. I'm just thinking." He replied.

When we got to the gates, they opened without hesitation. Usually when I'm here with my father, Hades, they usually ask us to wait a second or check a list to see if we were scheduled to come. We walked down the golden hallways passing the artwork of Asgard's history. We came to the throne room and kneeled before Odin and Frigga.

"My sons, why have you've returned so soon. Why are you here Princess Elizabeth? You are not scheduled to be here for another three months." Odin said.

"Father, we have returned to bring Elizabeth here to Asgard to talk about some personal matters." Thor said.

"Very well." Odin said as he signaled the guards to leave." Now what is this about?"

"All-Father, over the past few years I have been trying to figure out a way to prevent the destruction of the nine realms. As you know, when I marry Thanos the destruction will start. I have been looking for a way to escape that marriage, and after much research I have come to the conclusion that the only way to escape this marriage is to have have a soul binding Asgardian wedding ceremony to another man." I said. Odin and Frigga looked shocked, but Thor reacted completely differently. By the look on his face, I doubt he even knew about this. I thought Loki told him, instead his face is full of anger and confusion.

"Elizabeth, you do know that the wedding you have with Thanos is only in a few weeks. In order to have that ceremony, you'd have to have found a new fiancé and have to create a strong connection with them." Odin said.

"I already have found a new fiancé and we are following the steps to make that connection." I said shocking Odin and Frigga even more.

"Who is he?" Odin asked.

"It is I." Loki said.

"Brother, this is not the time for any of your games." Thor said.

"But its true. I tried to help her escape her fate with Thanos, I helped her research, I helped her come up with ideas, I was even the one to ask her to wed me." Loki said. Thor's whole face went red with anger.


"Enough." Odin said. "We will talk about this at dinner. Till then we will not speak of this matter. Frigga show Elizabeth to her old room, so she may get her stuff and transfer it into Loki's room." Frigga stood up and exited with me and Loki on her tail.

"Why are you coming with us?" I asked Loki.

" I was unaware you stayed in the palace, and I have yet to see this mysterious room of yours." He said. The rest of the walk was mostly silent with Frigga asking questions about the wedding here and there. She was thrilled to have me as her daughter-in-law. When we turned the last corner to my room we stopped at a dead end.

"Why'd we stop?" Loki asked. As soon as those words left his mouth a door appeared and we walked inside. The theme in the room was still blue, but was a few shades lighter and has gold instead of silver. When Loki walked in, he looked around in awe. The room itself was smaller than my other ones, but has a large closet and bathroom connected to it.

"You can leave your stuff in here if you'd like, or move some of your stuff into Loki's room tonight. Since you are still working on your connection you still have to sleep in the same room, however Loki can only sleep in his room so you have to sleep there as well. I'd suggest bring a few items of clothing and then come back in here for more as the days go on. I'll leave you to it." Frigga said as she left.

"You should be grateful that my room is much larger and has a better color pattern than this room." Loki said.

"Well, I can always come in here to hide from you if I need to. Besides, I'll probably spend more time in here than your room." I said.

" I highly doubt that, love." Loki said.

"Well, since dinner will be ready in an hour I should probably start to get ready." I said. Loki made no effort to move at all and looked as if he wanted to watch me get ready. "Without you." I said to clear things up.

"Very well love, meet me in my room before you head down for dinner." Loki said as he got up and left.

So, what did you guys think? I hope you guys liked it, especially with Loki's P.O.V.  Please comment and vote if you liked it. If you have any questions or ideas let me know. Thanks for reading it and I'll write the next chapter sometime this week.

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