Chapter 21: Dinner

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Elizabeth's P.O.V.
     Since Loki and I have returned to the tower we've been reading in my library. It is too early to sleep but too late to nap. It was almost dinner time and I was starting to get hungry. I hope Tony buys something fast because if not he's going to loose three suits due to my large appetite. I kept moving around on my couch trying to ignore my hunger, but as the minutes ticked by it became very difficult to.

"Do you ever stop moving?" Loki said

"Yes, when I'm not hungry. Aren't you just dying to eat something?"

"No, and do you not have magic that can make anything you wish appear?"

"I do, but I don't have enough energy to, considering the fact my magic was practically drained before I teleported both of us here. You should be at least grateful that I remembered to bring you and not let you face the wrath of my parents alone."

"I would've done just fine. I can practically talk my way out of anything."

"Just like you talked your way out of getting caught by the Avengers, or how you talked your way out of being punished by Odin. Keep telling yourself that." That left Loki silent for awhile. I could still feel him glaring at me. Shortly after our discussion ended Tony texted me to go to the main kitchen to get dinner. I jumped out of my chair and sprinted down five hallways and three flights of stairs to get to the kitchen. By the time I go there, Loki was already starting to eat. How did he get here so quickly?

"Don't forget you aren't the only one with magic, love." He said through my mind. I hate talking telepathically, it's so annoying in my opinion. "Then maybe I should do it more often." Loki smirked after he sent that. I was too hungry to care anymore. I grabbed a plate and stacked it up with different foods. When you lose your energy you need lots of food and rest in order to get it back.

"Gee Liz, how are you going to eat that all? I've never seen a girl eat so much." Clint said.

"I can manage. After all, I'm not an average girl." I replied with a sassy tone at the end.

"Yeah, sure. The day you can eat that all in one sitting is the day I give up archery."

"You wanna bet?" That got everyone's attention. Everyone stared at Clint and me as if we were crazy. Even Loki seemed to be intrigued. "If I win Clint has to give up archery and dress how I tell him to for a week, and I can guarantee you that you'd be wearing women's clothing."

"Fine, even though that's never going to happen. If I win you will have to sleep in the vents and can only wear one outfit for the whole week, without washing it."

"Deal." I said as I shook his hand.

"Ready... set........Go!" Clint said. I grabbed and fork and started shoveling food into my mouth at an alarming pace. I kept the pace up and took sips of water to help me wash bugs down so I wouldn't choke. About ten minutes into it everyone was looking shocked because I only had a small pile left. Clint was sweating and starting to freak out. I started to slow down a little to make Clint build up his confidence, so I could trick him and make him suffer even more. "See she can't eat it all, she is slowing down." I picked up the pace again and continued.

"Finished!" I said and held up my empty plate. Clint looked mortified. "I told ya I'm not an average girl. Come to my room early every morning and I'll give you what to wear for that day. Also heads up for future reference I rarely ever lose a bet." I said as I waltzed my way out of the kitchen leaving everyone in shock with their mouths open.

Loki's P.O.V.

I knew magic did take up energy and to get it back you have to eat a large amount, but I didn't think it had to be that much. I wonder what the limit is to Elizabeth's powers. Surely it is much more than the average, but what level of magic would she be categorized by. I would have to look in some of my books and see the level, for she has already told me her abilities. When I finished eating I put my plate in the weird box they call a dishwasher for some reason. I marched upstairs to get dressed so I could just go to sleep in Elizabeth's room. When I got there she was already in her bed with a book in her hands.

"What are you reading?" I asked.

"It's called The Red Queen, it is the first in the series."

"What's it about?"

"It's about how people with silver blood over power those with red blood. Those with silver blood can manipulate different powers depending on their houses while those with red blood are considered their servants because they typically do not have the same blood and cannot produce any power or ability like the silver bloods can.

"And...? There has to be more, otherwise it'd be considered a very short book with a meaningless plot."

"Oh trust me there is a lot more, however I do not want to spoil it for you so you have to read it yourself."

"That doesn't seem fair."

"It seems fair to me and that is fair enough. Now go to sleep on your couch." She said as she went back to reading.

"Why can't I sleep in the bed and you sleep on the couch." She rolled her eyes after I said that.

"Because it's my room, so my rules."

"Why not switch every night to make it fair. And before you go back to saying your room your rules, you did say you were fair and if my idea isn't fair then you are lying."

"If you want a bed you can sleep in your room."

"Very well, then you can go marry Thanos." I said as I started to leave knowing she would try to convince me to return and me getting the bed.

"Ugh....fine." She said.

"Would you mind getting off, love."

"You never said I had to, and after all this is my room and my bed and that couch isn't the best for sleeping it messes up my back."

"Very well. Good night Elizabeth."

"Good night Loki."


So what did you guys think. I'm sorry I haven't updated in two weeks I've been busy with some stuff but I'm back right now. I will try to update again this week. Thank you for reading this. If you have any thoughts or ideas you want me to include let me know in the comments. Please comment and vote. Thanks again.

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