Chaoter 5: The Job

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Elizabeth's P.O.V.

As Wade pulls in around the corner and parks I ask him "hey why is it such a big night tonight? Surely you must know."

"Liz, even I don't know. Joker knows as soon as he tells me I'll tell you, so he didn't tell me shit." Wade says a little angrier.

"Why do I have a bad feeling about this?"

"Because you are working with heroes and have villains for parents."

"No really. I just have a bad feeling about tonight Wade."

"I don't know. Let's just get inside and set up, besides your parents want to see you."

"Let's get this over with." I say as I walk up the steps to get into the club. The club is about a thirty minute drive from the tower but I don't mind. As soon as I step in the smell of alcohol reaches my nose. I'm not one to drink because it doesn't agree with my stomach and tastes horrible. I continue walking and try to get back stage without anyone noticing but fail.


"Mom I have been on vacation."

"You are suppose to be training with your other parents, but here you are having a vacation when you should be practicing getting ready to......" I stop her before she finishes her sentence.

"Marry Thanos and become Queen of the nine realms. Yes I know mother, but I don't want to." I say

"You have to there is no way out and you know that."

"I'll go back in a week." I say a little sad.

"No need your other parents have agreed to let you stay with us for a week to continue your training and to also give us a hand stealing, working shifts at the club, and preparing you for your surprise that will be coming here sometime next week."

"What's with all the secrets? It must be big because you didn't even tell Wade anything."

"HARLEY DONT SAY ANOTHER WORD!!! Next thing I know is I can't even trust my own girlfriend to keep a secret." Joker said.

"Fine, but Elizabeth go get ready to work it's a buy one drink and get another free night and you know what that's like." Harley said.

"Fine mom I'll go get ready." I say before storming off. I know what your all thinking what do I do? I'm a singer and dancer at my parent's club made for villains who want to be normal for once. Well as normal as they can be. I put on the back part of my outfit.->

         Unfortunately I don't choose the outfits or shoes for my job but I can choose what days to wear them

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Unfortunately I don't choose the outfits or shoes for my job but I can choose what days to wear them. I put on washout black hair dye to make myself look more mysterious. The hair dye is used a lot when I go around stealing stuff with my parents because if the avengers or society saw who I really was then I probably wouldn't be able to walk around the country without getting arrested. I use red lipstick, black eyeshadow, and light pink blush. Even though I was raised to be royalty I hate dresses and makeup, I'd choose pants and shorts any day. As I finish getting ready I'm about to go on. Wade pops in right before I go on and says: "Show them a real show." I get on stage and start to sing and dance:

When I finish that song I sing with a band who calls themselves The Ravens, because their original name was Funeral Goose and let's just say we never let them forget the name.

I go and sit down and since it's not a raffle event, so I don't have to sing or dance on stage anymore, only off stage. The last song of the night plays and I get up to leave. It's around 3 in the morning, and I just want to sleep for the rest of winter. I put the trench-coat back on and I start to head out but my dad stops me and says: "And where do you think you are going?"

"I'm going to go stay at a friend's house."

"You can't stay at a friend's house you have to work and train."

"Wait, first off you said my training was finished with you two, and secondly I can still come in and work."

"Fine, but if you're late once you have to stay here."


"See ya later and don't forget"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." I say as I teleport to the tower. When I get there I'm in the middle of the living room and Clint is there.

"AAAAAAHHHHHH." Clint screams as he falls off the coach and I think he wakes someone else up because I hear a door slam.


"Sorry Nat, I just jumped out at him, and he was up and didn't expect it." I say looking slightly guilty as I lied. "Ok bye." I walk out of there into my room before they can ask any questions. When I get into my room I see Loki in here again.

"Dude, why are you always in my room even when I banned you." I ask somewhat pissed.

"Well Elizabeth, its the only quiet room and has all the books I could want and need. Now where were you for the last 14 hours?" Loki asks smirking.

"I was out with Wade."

"What were you doing with Wade."

"I was......"

"Don't lie to me love after all I am the God of mischief and lies so I'll know if you do."

"If I tell you will you leave?"

"Very well."

"I was out with Wade and we went to hang out." I say partially telling the truth.

"Fine, I'll leave now happy?"

"Very." He shuts the door and I use my magic to change into spandex and a t-shirt that says All magic comes with a price deary. As soon as my head hits the pillow I'm sleeping.

Loki's P.O.V.

I knew Elizabeth wasn't telling me the full thing but I thought very little of it. I was in her room trying to find a book to keep me awake so my nightmares wouldn't come. Thanos left his mark in my mental state and I can never rid of him no matter how much magic I use.

Chapter 5 Finished Yay. Thank you for reading this and it will get better I will add Nick Fury soon and add in more Loki and Tony. Thanks for reading this. Leave a comment for ideas, opinions, or to just say something random. I'll write chapter six soon.

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