Chapter 3: First Morning

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Elizabeth's P.O.V.

          I wake up to my alarm at 6 o'clock and get out of bed. I stretch my arms and hear a few joints pop. I use my magic to make a leather black catsuit with black boots to train in and put my blonde hair in a ponytail. I teleport to the gym since I'm too tired to walk there. When I get there I see a man with blonde hair running around the track. I decide to run the track as well so I put my earbuds in and start running. The track is one quarter of a mile long. About ten seconds into it I catch up to the man and say "on your left." I pass him this continues for another half hour and then the man heads to the punching bags. I continue running for another fifteen minutes and then head over to the punching bag. The man punched the bag down and sand runs down the side. I get a better look of him. He has blue eyes, is strong, and it taller than me.

"Who are you ma'am?" He asks.

"I could ask you the same thing." I say.

"Steve Rogers." He puts his hand out for me to shake.

"Elizabeth." I say shaking his hand and trying not to kill him.

"Elizabeth what?"

"Steve, if I told you my full name you wouldn't be able to pronounce it, spell it, or remember it."

"Very well ma'am."

"Steve pleas call me Elizabeth, Liz, or whatever else comes to mind, I cannot stand being called ma'am or anything like that it's too old fashioned. Besides sayings ones name is more respectful because it shows you actually respect them enough to learn their name." When I said that Steve looked very guilty and left. When Steve left I started using magic and attacking the punching bag in every way I could without destroying the room. After two hours of that it was almost nine so I went back to my room and showered. I decided to wear black jeans, a white sweater, and black flats. I brush and dry my hair out and go upstairs to see if there was any food. I get to the main kitchen and it seems like everyone is there.

"Who are you?" Asked the red haired lady.

"Oh, this is my goddaughter, Elizabeth." Tony says as he is eating a bagel.

"Elizabeth this is Nat, Barton, Bruce, Thor, Steve, and you already met Loki last night.  You already know who their superhero names are."

"Hello" I say trying to make a good impression on them.

"Greetings Lady Elizabeth, it is so nice to meet you." Thor said and kissed my knuckles.
When Thor did that I felt the need to act like the lady I was raised to be and I said: "Prince Thor 'tis an honor to meet you on this glorious day. How does you mother and father fare?"

          Tony looked at me like I was insane because he's never seen me behave this way before. The others looked at Tony then at me most likely questioning what was up with Tony."They are very well. Thank you for asking. How do you know my parents?" Thor said.

"My mother and father taught me about your realm, and I went there a few times to meet with them of course. I never met you or your brother till this week." I reply. I remember Hades used to take me there because Odin sealed Hela, the Goddess of Death, and needed to be updated on her a lot. I've met her a few times and she seems nice to me, but probably because she knows my destiny to marry Thanos and who my family is. I sat down and started to eat a bagel and drink my coffee. I look up and see everyone staring at me."What?" I ask. As soon as I say that they all look away.

Loki's P.O.V.

         Elizabeth so that's her name. She looks gorgeous which says something because Asgard is where the most beautiful goddesses are, but yet she puts them all to shame. Her light blonde hair, dark blue eyes, her pale skin which looks like snow, and her soft light pink lips. Snap out of it I cannot fall for a Midgardian, they are mortal and I am a God and I'm above her. I grab my book and leave the room and head to my room.

Elizabeth's P.O.V

    Once I finished eating I went to my room. I pull out my phone and realize I have three missed calls from my dad, The Joker. I called him back as soon as I sat down.

"Elizabeth where have you been? I have been calling and calling and you haven't answered. Harley and I are worried sick about you." - J

"Dad you said I could go on vacation and have a break for awhile." -E

"You need to come in tonight it's a big night."-J

"Dad I'm not going to go rob a bank with you and mom tonight to try and kill Batman I'm on vacation."-E

"That wasn't what I meant. I need you to work at the club for two reasons one is a surprise and two is because Casey is back in jail and I need you to work her shift."-J

"Fine, I'll do it."-E

"I knew you would. I'll send over Deadpool to pick you up. He's missed his 'killing buddy'.-J

"Wade is coming YAY!!!!!!! See you tonight.-E

"Bye"- J

        I put down my phone and charge it. All I have to do now is think of what to wear tonight for work and wait for Wade.

Hey it's me again. Thank you for reading this and let me know what you think. It will become more exciting in the next few chapters I promise you. I will try to write as much as I can but during the holidays I will write a lot. Thanks again.

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