Chapter 11: The Deal With The Devil

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Loki's P.O.V.

When I left Elizabeth's room I felt like I finally had someone who somewhat understood what I went through, but unlike me she cannot run away from her problems. I walked down the hallway into the kitchen, where everyone else seemed to be. Everyone was still in their clothes from last night except for Natasha and Bruce. Barton seemed to look a little green in the face and Stark seemed to be nursing an ice Pack on his head. Natasha and Bruce seemed to be perfectly fine just tired. Thor was just staring at a toaster probably waiting for his 'beloved' pop-tarts. I sat down and tried to enjoy the peace. It lasted for two minutes before Stark opened his mouth.

"Hey reindeer games, where were you this morning? Everyone except for you and Magic girl were asleep on the floor."

"Last night, I had enough energy to actually get up and go to my chambers unlike you drunk idiots." I smirked.

"What even happened last night?" Barton asked.

"We followed Elizabeth and went to a club. We lost her so you decided to drink the night away instead of look for her, and you made me enter a raffle and dance with a complete stranger." Everyone seemed to freeze as soon as I finished and had a fearful look in their eyes like I'd lash out at them any minute now.

"Ok. So we never found Elizabeth did we?" Barton asked. Natasha slap hit head. "What I was just making sure." Just then Elizabeth walked out with her hair in a braid and was wearing a light blue dress with white flats.

"Morning." She said cheerfully as she grabbed herself a cup of coffee.

"Where were you last night Liz?" Stark asked.

"Relax Tony, I was just seeing Wade again. Is that a crime?" She lied.

"Well it is if you don't tell me and I'm looking after you."

"Tony I'm almost the same age as Steve just a few years younger I think I can take care of myself."

"Wait what do you mean your only a few years younger than Steve?" Barton asked.

"She is just joking. What she means is she is older than a kid right Liz?" Stark says trying to cover up the truth.

"Yeah I mean it's not like I'm the daughter of a genetically mutated, psychopathic, dead nazi captain." She said sarcastically.

"What does that mean?" Steve pipped in.

"It means that Liz clearly is just drunk and drank too much with Wade. Liz may I have a word with you in the hallway." Stark said.

"Fine." She replied right before she marched out.

Elizabeth's P.O.V.

I went into the hallway and stood there while Tony checked to make sure no one can see or hear us.

"What the hell was that all about? If any of them found out who you are who your parents are you could be thrown in jail and be wanted by the government."

"And then my parents would bust me out. Tony I'm tired of living a lie they need to know the truth."

"No, my answer is simple. Your lucky that no one saw you last night."

"Everyone saw me last night they just didn't recognize me."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Who do you think sang the Christmas song and danced with Loki."

"That wasn't you that was a girl named black rose."

"You honestly think that is someone's name?"

"Not anymore. So wait, your the girl who danced with reindeer games?"

"Yeah. Why?"


"You know better than to lie to me Tony."

"It's just the way you two danced."

"What about the way we danced?"

"I don't know but it didn't seem like a way you would dance with a stranger or friend."

"It's an asgardian dance. I doubt Loki and Thor know any dances here that's why I did one he would know."

"You keep telling yourself that sweetheart."

"Look your changing the subject, and I really don't need this. Look I can't hide my past from them much longer and in two months I have to leave again."

"Why do you have to leave this time, I thought you were done with your training."

"I am. It's just that it is my last time seeing you before...."

"Before what?"

"Tony I haven't told you the full truth."

"What do you mean you have told me the full truth?" He says in an angered and worried tone.

"Tony the whole reason I exist is to be wed to a man named Thanos. He wanted a perfect wife and my parents all made a deal with him and they created me to fulfill their side of the deal. The reason my parents raised me the way they did was so that when the time came to wed we would take over the nine realms and rule it side by side as Queen and King. Tony I don't want that to happen but it's practically set in stone. Please don't look at me like a monster, I need help trying to find a way off this path." I said as tears fall down my face.

"Why didn't you tell me this sooner?" He yelled at me.

"Because, I thought I could figure it out on my own but now I admit I can't. Please help me."

"Fine I'll help you but the others can't know yet."

"Actually one other person in this tower already knows everything."

"Everything! Please tell me it's not Nat."

"Well....hold on I'll go get them." I go back into the kitchen and everyone is still there whispering until they see me they just stare at me. I clear my voice and grabbed Loki. He raised his eyebrow but didn't question it. I brought him into the hallway to Tony.

"You've got to be kidding me. You told him!" Tony yelled.

"Actually yes and no. He found out bits and pieces at the club last night, and I helped him piece it together."

"Is he even going to help you try to get out of this?"

"Probably not since Thanos wants him dead, but he can give you details on Thanos."

"What are you trying to get out of love?" Loki asked somewhat curiously.

"She is trying to get out of the wedding!" Tony said.

"Then I will offer my services to help you, but you will owe me a favor later on. Deal?" Loki smirked.

"Liz don't do it. Don't make a deal with the devil." Tony said trying to convince her.

"Deal." I said.


What do you think the favor is going to be? Let me know in the comments if you have any ideas. Please vote and comment on my story and thank you for reading it. Happy Holidays.

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