Chapter 16: Traditions

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Elizabeth's P.O.V.

I can't believe I couldn't see through his trick. I shouldn't have told him anything in the first place. I paced back in forth in my room. I swear as soon as the binding is finished I'm going to kill myself to put an end to my misery and take Loki down with me. As I was pacing back and forth Loki barged in my room. I guess if you speak or think of the devil he shall appear no matter what.

"Can I help you?" I say sounding pissed off.

"I came so we can plan the wedding considering the fact that we are getting married in less than 2 months." Loki replied still smirking and looking at me as if I'm a piece of meat.

"Fine we will start today, but if you piss me off anymore I will kick you out."

"Oh that reminds me, we have to talk about who's tradition we should follow for before and after the wedding. Now as I was saying, I think....."

"Woah woah woah. What tradition is that?"

"It's the traditional events that your heritage and mine do for before and after weddings."

"Well considering my parents never followed a traditional thing for their wedding at all, or are still in the dating or single phase I don't have a traditional event."

"Very well, we'll just use mine. So, back to....."

"Wait, why do we need to do that? Why can't we just be normal people in an arranged marriage, and not care about what happens before and after the wedding?"

"We cannot do that because in order to make sure the Asgardian marriage bond works, the couple must be close together either physically or mentally."

"I'm not sleeping with you."

"You mean not yet, but what I ment by physically is distance wise. Also this wouldn't be considered an arranged marriage considering no one but us set it up. No parents, Kings or Queens, members of court, or matchmakers set this up."

"Well, I still consider it one since I have to get married to someone I despise."

"If you would like, I could drop our engagement and you can go back to your plan of running away from Thanos with no help or protection."

"You are so aggravating. How can anyone stand to be near you?"

"Says the woman who is engaged to me." Loki said smirking.

"So what traditions do Jotuns have?"

"We are following the Asgardian traditions, since it is an a Asgardian bond. How'd you know I am a Jotun? I know for a fact Thor hasn't told you and I know I haven't told you, so how do you know?" Loki said glaring at me. If looks could kill I swear I'd be long gone by now.

"I may your file." I said somewhat muttered nervously.

"How could they possibly know that?" Loki paced angered with his hands behind his back deep in thought.

"Thor could've told S.H.I.E.L.D. about it when you were battling against Midgard." I said.

"I would've thought that worthless oaf would know that private matters shouldn't be shared with anyone, but yet again it is Thor. I still sometimes wonder if he has a brain."

"Ok, we are getting really off topic. What are the traditions that Asgardians follow before and after the wedding?" I said trying to get him to calm down.

"Right, this type of bonds is ment for people who love each other more than anything. The bond requires the couple to be a maximum of a week apart, must sleep in the same room together, and mustn't be too far apart."

"No, way am I sleeping in the same room with you." I stated.

"You must if you don't...."

"The bond will be weak or won't work, I know. But what's too far?"

"I believe a realm is too far."

"Great, anything else?" I asked sarcastically.

"I believe that's it love. Shall I get my stuff to start moving in?"

"No, just because you have to sleep in the same room as me doesn't give you the right to move in with all your crap. Just get out."

"But we still have yet to plan for the wedding."

"What part didn't you understand? I said if you pissed me off I'd kick you out and you pissed me off, so get out."

"Shall we continue tomorrow?"

"JUST GET THE HELL OUT OF MY ROOM!" Loki left as soon as I said that. I grabbed a pillow and screamed into it. My life has become a living hell and I don't know what to do. I can't trust anyone and I don't have anyone to talk to besides Wade, but he's busy today. I decide to grab my comfort book and read it. The book is called The Red Queen, and I read it whenever I feel down. This book has always been my favorite, but now I seem to be able to relate with the main character because she is going through something similar to me. As I read I start to drift off to sleep dreaming of living a life as a normal person.

Loki's P.O.V.

After Elizabeth kicks me out of her room I decided to get ready for bed. I use my magic to change into black pants and to get rid of my shirt since I prefer to sleep shirtless. I walk into her room and see her asleep on her bed with a book in her hands. I grab the book and put it on her bedside table. I know in order to make sure the bond stays I have to sleep in her room. I decided to sleep on the couch. I use my magic to create a green blanket and try to fall asleep. I keep turning and tossing because it is uncomfortable, but I know that this is the way to ensure my safety from Thanos. I do hope one day Elizabeth and I see eye to eye, but till that day I must wait and sleep on the couch.


What did you think? The planning is going to start next chapter but I'm thinking Loki and Elizabeth should meet each other's parents. Please vote and comment my story, and if you have any ideas let me know.

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