Chapter 26: The Awkward Dinner

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Elizabeth's P.O.V.

Once Loki and I are at the doors, the guards open it leading to an elegant room. Everywhere I look there is gold to represent the riches and power that the Asgardians have. I see the table filled with foods of all kind such as deer meat, ale, bread, and some unknown foods that look weird. Odin is sitting at the head of the table with Thor on his left side and Frigga on his right. More than half of the table is cleared off since Odin wishes to keep this conversation private. Loki leads me to Thor and pulls out the chair for me to sit in. I expected my poofy dress to cause some difficulties, but for some strange reason it didn't. Loki then pushes me and the chair in and the leaves to take his place next to Frigga. Odin then looks up at the guards and signals them away.

"Leave us." Odin said. When the last guard leaves and we hear the door close we all look down at our plates questioning who is going to bring up the recent events that has happened. After taking a few bites of something that looks like a salad I hear Odin clear his voice and say "I see that you have chosen a selfish path Lady Elizabeth."

"I do not understand what you mean, All-father." I said as I look up from my plate.

"You know very well what I mean. You have chosen to follow a different path. One that is not your destiny to save your own skin and risking the life of one of the Princes of Asgard." He said while raising his voice.

"I chose to marry Loki to not only save myself, but to protect the nine realms. You know what power Thanos holds, yet you claim that my act is selfish. I want to prevent war, death, chaos, and destruction." I raised my voice to match his. If Odin wants to argue about what I think is best I won't stop him.

"Then you should die instead of trying to drag Loki and all of the nine realms down with you." As soon as he said that I was full of anger and rage.

"You know damn well that if I were to kill myself or die in the hands of another my father would bring me back to life since he is the God of Death!" I yelled.

"Elizabeth, love. Calm down." Loki said as his hand was holding onto my wrist from across the table.

"Listen Odin, and listen well if you wish to continue our family alliance you will stop throwing all this shit at me and think what will be more beneficial for the nine realms. The minute you do that you will see I'm right. Then you will tell no one of this conversation. Loki and I will wed here in a few weeks whether you like it or not. Also, you know that I am one of the most powerful beings in the nine realms and having me as an ally can be very good, but having me as an enemy can lead you and your people to a painful death. We are finished with this discussion and I am returning to my room. Good-night All-father, I'll see you in the morning hopefully with a better attitude." I said as I got up and left. No one said a word and they all shared a shocked expression. I needed to let them know of my strength and to know I'm not something that is delicate and that can control and manipulated. I stormed back to Loki's room and slammed the door. I paced back and forth deep in thought. I was so deep in thought I didn't even hear the door open.

"Well, that was quite the show you put on love." Loki said as he strolled on over to me.

"I'm sorry it's just that Odin can get on my nerves sometimes. As you know he is selfish and blind by greed and hatred." I said.

"You know I know that better than anyone love. Why don't you go get yourself cleaned up and ready for bed."

"Fine." I said as I went to grab some clothes I brought with me. As I reached for my clothes they disappeared with a green mist. I looked directly at Loki and glared at him. "Loki, what did you do with my clothes?"

He smirked and said "Well since you looked so ravishing tonight in my colors I decided you shall wear them for the rest of our journey in Asgard."

"What do you mean I looked ravishing in your colors? I wore blue head to toe." I then looked down at my outfit and saw a slim, tight green dress hugging my curves. "Loki, what did you do with my previous outfit?"

"As I said love, I got rid of them. So I suggest you start getting used to wearing green." I then started to head for his door to exit his room. "And where do you think you are going, love."

"I'm going to grab some more clothes from my room, since you stole my other clothes."

"I did say that I got rid of all your other clothes, including the ones in your room, love." He said. I then turned around and sat down on his bed. "Here you go love." He said as handed me a green nightgown. It was modest and seemed to be made out of velvet for extra warmth. I gave him a confused look. "It does get a little chilly here during the night." He explained.

"Thank you." I said as I went to the bathroom to change. The nightgown was warm and very comfortable. I washed off all my makeup and undid the updo so my hair fell down. I brushed my hair and teeth then returned to Loki's room. He was already in bed wearing his pajama pants reading a book. I climbed into bed next to him and turned off my lamp. He left his on and continued to read. A few minutes after I got into bed he started to run his fingers through my hair unintentionally.

"Good-night, Loki." I said as I closed my eyes.

"Good-night, love." He said. Then everything went black as I fell into a dreamless sleep.

So what did you guys think? Yes, I updated two days in a row because I had a little extra time. I hope you guys liked this chapter. If you liked it please vote or comment on it. If you have any questions, ideas, or comments about my story please let me know. I'll update again soon. Thanks for reading.

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