Chapter 10: The Past Unlocked

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Elizabeth's P.O.V

     I woke up to the sound of knocking on my door. I wondered who would even bother to wake me up. When I got to the door I saw it was just Loki. I stared at him and raised my eyebrow.

"Can I help you?" I asked in a tired but pissed off voice.

"I want to ask you about last night." He said in a calm and cool voice.

"Alright come in and sit down because I'm only going to say this once and it's a long long story." I stepped to the side as he sat in a chair. I sat in the chair across from him. "So Loki, how much do you know so far?"

"I know you have many parents which is why I'm assuming your adopted, I know you are getting married to Thanos in two months time, and I know that he wants to rule the nine realms with you and wants your children to take it over when you later on pass away." I open my mouth slightly in shock of how much he knew about the engagement with Thanos.

"Ok first off, I'm not adopted. I have two biological mothers and five biological fathers. One of my fathers disowned me when I was created and one of my fathers was killed by Steve. Second, my soul person for being born was Thanos made deals with my parents long ago to have a perfect wife who would be the most powerful women in the universe/nine realms. Of course all my parents were evil, but the one who disowned me wasn't and he didn't want to be the father of a monster. So since he left, Thanos needed more than one person/Greek god to raise me so he made all my parents' lifespan grow so they will be up to five thousand years old before they die. Finally, how did you know of my engagement? Not even Tony knows and he has known me the longest."

"I have my ways, love. But why were you working at that loud pub?"

"It's called a club, and it belongs to two of my parents they use me to do their dirty work most the time from crimes to preforming in their clubs. They never really cared for me they only ever cared for money I was just the easiest and fastest way to get it."

"I shouldn't have asked I'm sorry." He said in a sincere voice.

"It's fine when I was younger I tried to be the perfect daughter for all my parents, but they don't truly care for me. Only two of my parents ever cared for me, and they are myths and legends that everyone fears."

"Trust me everyone fears me, for I'm a frost giant and there isn't anything as bad as that."

"I doubt that, I mean your talking to a girl with villains as parents." I say well laughing. 

"Who are your parents?"

"My parents are the nightmare king, the Greek god of death, a nazi experiment that made him look like his face was inside out, the Greek god of thunder, criminals who go against superheroes to get money, and the Queen of darkness so yours doesn't sound too bad. I mean my parents were cruel to everyone, especially me during my training." Loki looked at me as if I were crazy.

"I'm sorry, did you just say that those are your parents. I was expecting normal people who have genetically mutated powers or gifts, but when you people from myths and legends I thought you were joking."

"Nope." I said laughing.

"So what did they do during training that was so bad?" My laughing stopped and then the memories of innocent people screaming went through my head. I tried blocked it out with magic and it went down to only muffled screams. I breathed in before I started.

"I was forced to murder innocent people who I grew to care for and love, go through mental and physical pain so that I wouldn't feel any pain in case I was ever stolen and tortured for some odd reason, and murder people to make others suffer like children or a single mother. I mean of course I also had to train with my powers, political stuff, and other shit that on one gives a damn about."

"Did your training have any bad side effects or anything?"

"Yeah, the nightmares and memories still remain in my mind. Luckily my father taught me how to make the nightmares go away for a few nights, so I can do that to end my suffering for a short time. I sometimes don't want them to go away because they also remind me of who my parents want me to be and how I disappoint them no matter how hard I try I always choose the lighter path."

"I understand what you mean by that. I have nightmares of my past and I am tortured mentally in nightmares because I didn't fulfill my end of a deal, but I sometimes want to keep the memories to remind myself how Thor will always be considered better than me."

"Loki, you and Thor are completely different people and sure one person might favor your brother over you but another might favor you over him. You must be grateful for what you have at the moment."

"And pray-tell what do I have at the moment?"

"The affection and adoration of Thor. He still looks to you as a brother even though you do not. I can see it in his eyes and in his actions. You should probably go I have to get ready for the day."

"Yes, I suppose so."

"Loki, not a word to anyone you understand."

"Yes love, not a word to anyone." Loki says right before he stands up to leave. As he leaves he shuts the door behind him and I start to get ready for the day feeling a weight being lifted off my chest to tell someone what I am and have been dealing with lately and to have someone to relate to.

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