Chapter 20: Returning to the Tower

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Elizabeth's P.O.V.

After I left Loki with my father I went back to searching for my mother. I found her in her parlor ten minutes later just siting in her chair black velvet with a cup of tea. She was wearing a black dress and black heels, her make up was dark eyeshadow and a dark purple lipstick, and her hair was put in a elegant bun.

"Hello mother."

"Elizabeth, I have been waiting for you to get up for over a day."

"You know that the spell to rid me of the dark powers I get every year takes a lot of energy, and you teleporting me doesn't make it any better."

"I know dear, but I needed you here."

"Why do you need me here right now? I was going to come two weeks before my wedding with Thanos just like we planed."

"I know darling, but your father and I have been bored and want to get it over with so we have something to look forward to besides waiting for you to take over the universe and giving us grandchildren."

"Ok one you could've just looked forward for me to come and plan in a few weeks instead of fetching me, two you could've given me a warning, and three I don't plan on having children anytime soon."

"Well, that's not up to you now is it. It's up to your husband. Elizabeth you know everything we do for you is to help you because we love you. I know you don't wish to marry him, but it's your sworn duty and has been since birth. Remember, I somewhat know what you are going through."

"How could you understand what I'm going through? You and father seem perfectly happy and in love."

"Yes, but before your father I did wed a king from another land. He and I married to bring peace to our kingdoms and to end a war. He thought I was perfect and instantly fell in love with me, but I despised him. I had to do everything he said when he said it, it was terrible. Then, one night I was saved by your father and we instantly fell in love. We made a deal with Thanos for us to be together. I didn't know that you'd feel hatred towards him, I thought after a while of knowing him you'd at least like him."

"If I found a way out of marrying Thanos would you approve?"

"I'm afraid I could not due to the fact that he would hunt you down till he had you, and you cannot possibly kill him. Your father and I just want you safe and sound. Do you understand where I come from?"

"Yes, mother."

"Good girl, now shall we continue planning your wedding?"

---------------------------------3 hours of planning later-----------------------------------

I finished planning my wedding with Thanos. Even though I won't show up or be there it was going to be the grandest wedding. I walked back to my room wanting to just face plant on my bed and go to sleep. I turn the last corner and open my door to see my bed is occupied by Loki. I swear I cannot come into any of my bedrooms without him being there. Loki was asleep on my bed with a book on the history of my mother's kingdom: The Noire Kingdom. The history is very interesting with wars, literature, royalty, and anything you can possible think of. I walk over to my bed and try to shake Loki awake.

"Loki, wake up. Loki." I tried this for a minute and then next thing I know he grabs my waist and pulls me onto the bed. I feel my whole face go red. "Loki, let go of me this instant!"

"No, just go to sleep." He said. I try to wiggle my way out of his hold, but he's got a really strong grip.

"Loki, what if my parents walk in and see me this? You'd be killed on the spot and I'd be punished by them, or Thanos if he hears about this." He loosens his grip slightly and sighs.

"Fine. Has any ever told you, you blush a lot."

"No, and I didn't blush I was trying to wiggle out and the blood went to my face."

"That is possible the worst lie I've ever heard." He said with a smirk. I slapped his arm and got off the bed. "Why are still even here in this place?"

"I'm here because a creature in your book teleported me here, and said I need someone of the royal family to send me back. Since your the only person who is royalty here and doesn't want me dead I trust you can bring me back to the tower."

"Why didn't you ask my father, since you two seemed to get along so well."

"When you left your father threatened me a little." He somewhat mumbled the last part.

"Fine, we leave in ten minutes. I need to grab some stuff." I grabbed a bag and filled it with somethings I'd need that are magic based. I grabbed spell books, jewelry that can store energy and produce strong charms that were used for duels and battles, and some other equipment. Loki stayed in my room and just watched me run back and fourth grabbing everything. When I finished the bag was practically over flowing. "Ready?"

"Darling, I've been ready for the last four hours."

"Keep telling yourself that. I mean I could've left you sleeping on my bed while I went back to the tower, and you wouldn't even notice till the next day."

"Just take us back."

"Alright sleepyhead." I said as I teleported us back. We landed back in my room. I see the secret door is open and my biggest spell book is showing. "Loki, did you go into that room and read my spell book!?!

"Yes, but I was looking for something to try and find you. Stark and I were worried when you disappeared into thin air with a bunch of devil like creatures."

"Wait you saw that?"

"Yes." I started to walk over to my bed and looked under it.

"Crap, where's my wand?"

"Stark had it last I checked. You could ask him."

"You didn't tell anyone else of my disappearance did you?"

"No, why would I?"

"Loki, I swear if you told anyone, not even Thor will be able to save you." I said as he gave a worried look. I walked out of my room leaving Loki standing in my room with a worried expression. I swear if Tony did anything to my wand he's a dead man.


What did you guys think? Loki and Elizabeth are starting to feel something for each other but are too proud to admit anything yet. Please vote and comment on this story. Thank you for reading my story and I'll try to upload another chapter this week. Bye.

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