The End?

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Reid POV

I watched horrified as he performed surgery on my sister. We stayed with her the whole time, looking away every so often. Finally Jim announced: "I'm done. That's all we can do." Eric is alright, stable I mean." He said, at least that was some good news. Miranda had left a long time ago, along with my brother's joking personality.

I sat on the ground and my eyes started to water, I was crying. I couldn't believe we had made it through the whole stupid war only to have our sister taken out. I wanted this whole thing to end. It was awful. And it was all Alexas's fault, she had dragged us into this! I felt my eyes slowly shutting and fell asleep.


"Reid! Wake up!" I felt someone shaking me. I looked around, Neil was gone. I was looking into Alexas's eyes. "What do you want?" I snarled at her. "Your sister...." Was all she said. I knew exactly what she was going to say and pushed her away.

"You've been alseep for a few hours. It's 12 am." She informed me, refusing to budge. "How you fall asleep like that, I do not know. K..Kimberly told me once that you could fall asleep anywhere. I just hope she doesn't hate me." Alexas said, she did something I had never seen her do before, cry.

I awkwardly sat next to her, I did feel a bit bad for her, she did have to live like this. I was about to throw an arm around her when we heard: "Oh, I don't hate you BabyGirl." It was a gentle whispering sound. My head whipped up to the table. Kimberly was breathing heavier, her eyes still closed. I sighed, I had imagnied it. "And Reid, bud, you gotta start acting nicer to her." She mumbled.

"YOU'RE ALIVE?" I screetched, making Alexas jump. "Yeah. And I was fried, not made deaf. Gosh." She smirked slightly. "I'm jjjjust tired." She yawned. "I what?" I couldn't even complete a thought I was so excited. "Help me sit up." She said to me. "No!" I heard Jim say. I turned around and looked at him. "She needs to rest."

I heard footsteps as my baby brother practically slid into the room. "Is she alive?" He asked, peaking over to the bed. "Yes, she's alive." Neil jumped in the air, half of his suit on. "You're a mess." Alexas laughed at Neil. "It's your fault we're in this mess." Neil snapped at her. "Hey! That's not very nice to say to your niece." Kimberly snapped back, she forced herself to sit up. Neil and I froze, along with Alexas.

"W...what?" We asked in unsion. "Boys leave, Alexas, come over here." She said, I walked out of the room.

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