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⚡Lana Del Rey POV⚡

"Then don't say anything." I said quietly. I was beginning to get a headache from all my memories coming back into my mind.

I heard Carrie gasp. I looked over, "Lana! Your skin is grey!" I looked back into the mirror. My skin was a slight grey color, as if death were gripping me. I looked in dumbstruck, frozen awe.

"Eh. Don't worry honey." I said, trying to placate my own nervous brain. I was truly terrified. Carrie used to look like that. I shook my head.

Before I could do more, the door creaked open. Both of us turned our heads instinctively.

Jim, the scientist came in. "Great! Y'all are awake! Lana, you look grey. It's alright, I think it's the memories from the copy." He reassured me. I wasn't so sure, but nodded anyway.

"We are keeping y'all here so we can have a close eye on you. If you need anything, use this walkie talkie. Carrie, please do not get up unless you absolutely have to. Your body is pretty weak. There's a bathroom behind the panel next to the vanity. Bang on the door. And.." He came over to me and whispered, "make sure she's ok. Keep an eye on her. Make sure she doesn't get up too much or without help." I nodded and he slipped me a walkie talkie.

He left the room. I laid on the bed on my back and thought. "When do you think the war is going to start?" My thoughts were broken by Carrie. I rolled over onto my side painfully. I was sore for some reason.

"War? What war?" I asked, yawning. "Well, there's a war going on right now, in case you haven't noticed." Carrie said, sarcastically.

"Well.." Before I could say anything, I noticed a paper lying on the vanity. I put my finger to my lips and walked over. I picked it up and noticed a symbol I haven't seen in a long time. It was a red diamond, the top half was a pyramid with an eye. On the bottom: "Carrie Underwood. We know where you are. All of you will die. No one is safe from The Others."

"Well, I'm as good as dead. I've been marked." I lied, my voice hollow. She couldn't know. My hands shook violently. My mind eas beginning to go blank, like I was being mind controlled. I clutched the walkie talkie. "Kimberly.. Jim. Someone. I need you." My voice sounded small and defeated. I tried to shake it off.

The door unbolted and I saw Taylor Swift walk in. She shook off the grip on my mind, enough so I could comprehend what was going on. I immediately was on guard. "Carrie, honey, stay on the bed." I said, trying not to let my voice rise. "Hey! How are you doing?" She asked. I eyed her suspiciously.

"Good, thanks! Where's Kimberly?" I asked. She stared at me. Her eyes wandered to my hand. "What's that?" She asked cheerfully.

"A letter.. From my friends!" I said, matching her cheerfulness. I showed her the picture. Her face went blank and in no time, she grabbed my throat.

I punched and clawed her until she was on the floor, almost knocked out. "This is why all us pop and rap stars do insane things." Was all I said. I held Taylor down.

Carrie said nothing. I threw her one handedly the walkie talkie. She caught it with noticeable difficulty and pressed the button. "Kimberly, we're being attacked." Was all she said.

"Where.. Where are y'all?" I described the room, yelling all the while, trying to keep Taylor down.

"Ok, I'll be there as soon as I can!" Kimberly yelled. Carrie set the walkie talkie down. "Stop! Get off of me!" Taylor yelled at me. Her eyes were now white.

I eyed her for a moment. Then, I helped her up, stuffing the note into my jeans pocket. They must've changed me.

"What... Where. What happened? Why were you attacking me?" Taylor asked, in a daze. I helped her sit down on my bed.

"You." "Need some sleep!" I cut Carrie off, shaking my head. "I.. I guess I do." Taylor said, lying down.

The door opened and I looked up. Kimberly strolled in. She took in the scene and whistled.

"Wow. No wonder they wouldn't let us up here easily. Anyway, what's the problem. And what's that note, Liz?" She asked me. It had fallen out of my pocket and onto the bed.

I was having an internal war. Should I give it to her? Finally, she grabbed it off the bed. When she turned it over, she got a blank, almost dreamy look on her face.

Before I could move, she turned, her eyes a light pink. A movement in the corner of my eye told me Carrie was moving.

She grabbed the paper out of Kimberly's hand quickly. She looked at the image on the back. She just sat there and calmly read it. She set it down and looked at me. "You lied."

I stared her down. How did she not get transfixed? It doesn't make sense. Kimberly fought hard against it. I don't understand.

"What do you mean I lied?" I asked slowly. "You said only you had been marked. Not all of us." She had me there.

"I was trying to protect you." "Maybe I don't need protecting. Thank you though." It reminded me of when you're busy and a child hands you a play phone. You don't want it but you have to answer it.

"You're welcome." Kimberly escorted a very confused Taylor out of the room. We were left in silence once more.

THE OTHERS (The Band Perry, Carrie Underwood and other country stars)Where stories live. Discover now