Redneck Driving

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🔫Miranda Lambert POV🔫

We roared out of the parking lot. "Is Brad ok?" I asked quickly, without turning around.

"I think so, I think he was just knocked out." Tyler answered from the back. Both him and Brian were sitting in the back, Brad behind them buckled into the very back seat.

"Tyler, is there a gun on the floor by you?" I asked curiously. I just loved the fact we left all the weapons in the car. Ugh.

"Yep." He answered. I nodded. "Alright. Just checking." I focused on the rode and floored the car. I felt like I was driving a tank.

I could only hope that Blake was alright. "I hope they're alright." Kimberly said, I had forgotten she was sitting next to me.

"Me too." The drive took a long time. We finally reached the forest with Kimberly navigating. "What the hell is goin on?" Well, I guess Brad was up now.

"Just stay there and lay back down. I'll tell you about it later." I said, yelling over the noise of the car. He grumbled words I couldn't hear and probably didn't want to hear.

I finally reached the big building and pulled into the hidden garage. We all jumped out and helped Brad out. I decided to let Kimberly show them up and wait for Blake here.

I guess I fell asleep, the next thing I know, I'm being shaken awake by Carrie. She had somehow convinced them she was well enough to be let out.

She still was noticeably weak. Her hand shook when she tapped me. "Come with me." She said, handing me some keys.

We climbed into a black HumVee and I drove away.

"Where are we going?" I asked. The whole time she only gave directions, her face was white, her lips in a straight line. "Where is Blake?" I asked, glancing at her

"Something went wrong. Good thing you don't look like yourself." She just stared at me. I felt uncomfortable.

I had on the same clothes, Carrie had on a dark blue jumpsuit with matching boots. She also had on thick shades. I had lost mine in the fight.

"We're almost there. The next left." I realized we were pulling into the hospital. I said nothing but hoped Blake wasn't dead.

I parked the car, which almost took up 2 spots. We got out and ran into the building. We walked, practically ran, past the nurse station and into the elevator. Carrie pushed level 2.

She lead me to a room, number 423. The door was open so we just walked in. I gasped at what I saw. Lana was lying in bed, beaten, bloody, and broken with a breathing machine and feeding tube.

Blake was in the corner, hunched over, asleep. He looked terrible. I walked over quietly and shook his arm. "Blake. Wake up." I said. He freaked out and punched me in the jaw.

I made a circular motion with my jaw, trying to make it feel better. His eyes widened as he realized what he did. "I'm so sorry!" "It's... Ah.. Fine." I said, rubbing my jaw.

"No it's not. And Lana is dead because of me." He snarled with disgust.

A nurse walked in. "Blake, there are a few people here to see you. And.." She leaned in, "is that Carrie Underwood?" I stared at her in alarm. Carrie had taken off her glasses.

Blake sighed. "Yes, Alice. It is. Do not call anyone or I will.. You actually don't want to know what I'd do." He growled.

She nodded, "I haven't told anyone yet, have I Arthur?" She walked over to the bed and started fumbling with tubes.

She walked out after a while and Carrie gave me a look. "Arthur? Really? You couldn't find a better name?" We both smiled and I shrugged. She was trying to lighten the mood.

Blake wasn't laughing, but he looked a bit happier. "I probably imagined it but her hand curled around mine." As soon as he said that, Kimberly burst into the door.

"Where is she? Is she ok? What's going on?" She blurted out. Alice was trailing behind her. "How many more people are y'all gonna put in here? Just don't all be in here if the head nurse comes in. And visiting hours are from 9-9. So, yeah.. And Blake, your wife will be taken off support after 6 days." She walked out.

Kimberly was in silence. "Uh.. What?" Blake looked at all of us. "That was Alice. She knows who we all are but she won't tell anyone. Anyway, Lana won't probably wake up." He said quietly.

I just stared at him. The worst I've ever seen him was on his brother's birthday. But this was a close second. And there's nothing I could do to make it better. I felt like a terrible person and wife.

It was my fault. I had let her go. Without anyone to help her. I should've stayed. I sank to the floor next to Blake's chair. It was weird, at first, I hated her, she was really weird and... Well, kinda disturbing. It seems people can change, given the chance.

I froze. I had figured it out. "Guys! I know how to defeat The Others. I think I have an idea." "Me too." Kimberly added.

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