Just A Dream

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Carrie's POV (Point Of View)
My eyes flickered open. I was lying in a field of wild flowers. My head throbbed violently.

The sky was black, almost starless except for a few that lurked along the skies. "What were they called?" I thought. My voice echoed but I had not spoken aloud. "Constellations?"

I was aware to nothing but also things around me, all at once. I had no idea where I was. Or what was going on, for I usually didn't think like this.

I could hear screaming and what sounded like a thousand footsteps and a car. But as I sat up, I saw nothing for miles, nothing but wildflowers.

I did not know how long I had been in this place. Or if I would remain. "Hello?" I said aloud. My voice sounded far away.

I started to cry. Whatever I had become was not me. I did not think like this or speak like this. I did not like this place.

All my thoughts were getting into a jumbled mess. Almost like I had brain damage.....

I stopped crying and stood up. I carefully walked forward and looked around. There was a strong wind blowing, almost like a tornado behind me. I stood still but could feel myself rolling away? I didn't understand. Several minutes passed, each feeling like an eternity. I could hear voices but couldn't tell how far away they were. I could not hear what they were saying.

Suddenly, my vision faded to blackness. I started choking, gasping for breath. My head pounding as if it would split in two.

There were white walls and a bed. My vision came in flashes. A girl sat in the chair next to my bed. She had blue eyes and blonde hair. She was way taller and muscular than me. She wore a black jumpsuit. I couldn't remember who she was. Or even who I was very well.

"Please wake up. Please Carrie. I would trade with you in a heartbeat. You're my only friend. I didn't fit in at school. Because hey. Who wants to be friends with the weird girl. When. Or... I.. When, yeah, when you wake up, please know this was not your fault."

At that moment, I realized that there was a body in the bed. She was barely breathing. "She looks familiar." And with creeping horror, I realized the girl in the bed was me.

"A154, she's not going to make it. If I take her out of the coma, she won't be able to function. I don't believe there's a way. Your blood reacted too strongly against her's, I'm afraid. But I will give her a bit, to see if she wakes up before I take off the mask." A guy with red hair said. He disappeared through the door.

I walked back and forth. Pacing. Wondering what to do. "It's all my fault." I heard the girl who I thought was Jennifer, cry. "I don't remember ever crying before. I wasn't s..supposed to." She sniffled.

"Don't cry." I pleaded, trying to wipe her tears away. I jumped back as I heard the door open. "Don't tell me it's true."

I looked over to see Hunter with red, Tear-filled eyes. I couldn't take it anymore.

"Worked in the movies, right?" I thought aloud. I walked over to my body at the end of the bed. My own breathing was starting to slow. I closed my eyes.

"There's no place like home. Let me back into my body." I said, peeking one eye open. Nothing happened. "Well that's disappointing." I growled.

I had another idea. I ran and jumped, landing in my body. I gasped, feeling as if I had just been doused in freezing water. My vision faded to blackness. I stopped breathing.

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