Don't Let Me Be Lonely

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🌹 Kimberly's POV 🌹

I opened my eyes. I expected to see the weird pool with the sky again but I saw metal. I was looking at a metal ceiling.

I started to panic. My eyes wide with fear. I couldn't breathe! I started to rip out the things covering my mouth and alarms went off.

"Great" I growled. I started to have flashbacks of what happened. The shooting, the men, Alexas.

Speaking of which, I had no idea where she was. I panicked. I had just had a dream about her and the large pool. I felt people hold me down and insert a needle into my arm. "Kimberly, it's ok! You're going to be fine!" A man shouted at me.

I began to calm down and felt really loopy. I tried to force myself to sit up but strong hands held me down. "Let me go!" I shouted. The medicine started to finally take effect and I was slowly slipping into unconsciousness.


When I awoke, I was in the same room, staring at the same ceiling again. "Well, let's try this again, shall we?" I asked to no one in particular.

I tried to sit up. I felt something pulling on my chest. Strong arms began to help me sit up carefully. It was a boy with greenish skin and slits for eyes. He kind of scared me.

"Who are you?" I asked quickly, my accent bouncin off the walls.

"Namesss Viper." He said. He sounded like a mixture of a human and snake. It was freaky.

"Nice to meet ya, Viper. Now what in the heck is going on?" I almost yelled. "You'll sssssee." Was his reply as he walked away through the door.

I looked around carefully, my huge curls bouncing around my face.

I spotted another bed across the room. I tried to crane my neck to see but failed.

Suddenly, a door opened behind me. I tried to turn but found I couldn't. A man in a white lab coat with orange bushy hair came into view.

"Is she ok?" Was all I asked. My words hung in the air. "She's... Ok. She just won't be as strong as she was. She'll be different. Now, do you feel any different?" He asked me.

I sat and thought. Now that he mentioned it, I felt physically and mentally stronger. I nodded. "That was to be expected. You almost didn't make it. Your body started to reject the help. Finally we broke it down." The doctor said. I noticed he was rubbing his hands nervously.

"What's wrong?" I asked, staring him down. He flinched.

He mumbled something. I glared at him. "Tell me. What is it?" I kept staring him down.

"We don't know of she's alive or will win. We had to use some of her special DNA to help fix you. You weren't healing properly. But she can heal like that." He snapped his fingers. "We just don't know what takin some of it away will do."

Suddenly, there was an insane coughing. I got up, ignoring all the wires and doctor's orders. I slowly and unsteadily walked over to the bed. I reminded myself of a newborn horse trying to walk. I would've laughed if this wasn't so serious.

I looked at her bed. She was coughing wildly. I didn't know what to do. All of a sudden, she ripped off the mask and all of the wires. Her eyes opened and she looked at me. "Hey, Baby Girl." I smiled. I grabbed her hand and squeezed it.

I turned to the doctor, he looked pissed. "Hey, how long have we been out?" I asked, his gaze softening slightly. "Three days I believe." A154 and I looked at each other. He started to check her vitals.

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