Secret Weapons

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Miranda POV

I started to fade in and out as I watched my husband leave. It was very strange. I was just hit once, I think, on my back. I couldn't even remember, but I did not like the look on that doctor's face when he walked over to me! "Mrs. Lambert, we are going to put you into a sleep, a little like a coma. You have been poisioned. And shocked." Was all he said. He had a mixture of worriedness and grief? On his face. How had I had that happen to me?

I felt a sharp pain in my arm and blacked out.


"She's waking up!" I heard a man say. I opened my eyes and looked around. I felt different, somehow, as if I had just had cold water poured on me! I sat up and saw that Reid was starting to wake up. "Ran! psst. Do you feel... like weird..?" He asked. "Yeah. I do." I said, then my eyes widened, "Reid!? You're awake!?" He jumped, "I was hurt, not deaf!" He yelled back. "Sorry!" I said.

"What's goin on? And where's Kacey?" I asked, alarmed. She had been stabbed. This whole war was going crazy! I did not like it one bit! "Hey y'all." I heard someone say weakly. I jumped and looked over to my left. Kacey was attached to what seemed to be green liquid in a drip. She was clearly out of it. "What is that stuff? Yuck." Reid said. "It's a special chemical that A154 is made of. We had no choice, and you're lucky that all three of you are alive and I had the formula!" The doctor said. "Miranda finished her drip a lot faster than Kacey and Reid just had to be operated on. WHAT?

We all exhanged glances. "I would explain but I don't have the time! Reid, grab your suit, it's in the cabinet over there, not looking like a lady's suit." He smirked. What in the hell was he talking about??

I followed Reid and found a pink suit with two pistols and an AK-47 slung over the back. We quickly put them on and stared at the doctor. Alarms started to go off around Kacey."You need to help your friends. Don't worry about her, just go!" He yelled, shoving us forward. We exchanged glances, Reid had on a red and green suit with a bass plugged into it. We sprinted out the door. "Follow me!" He said. I sprinted after him, surprisingly full of energy.

We made it to a door and Reid tried to take it down, but it was too heavy. I kicked it off its hindges. I looked around with a cry of horror. A horde of people in white suits surrounded our team! I roared and started shooting at them, running over and fighting all of them off. Reid was right behind me. We defeated almost all of them until more came in!

I saw a suit that looked like ours lying on the ground! I walked over to it and took off the helmet. Kimberly was lying face up with her eyes closed. "NO! NO SOMEONE HELP HER!" I yelled. I grabbed the walkie talkie in her hand and it appeared to be fried!

I grabbed my own and called: "come in now!" I looked up as the rest of our team came in, there were about 900! Carrie lead them in a light blue suit, calling: "Defeat anyone that doesn't have white with color!" I picked up my pistol and started shooting at the copies. Alexas was blasting electricity right and left. Then she glanced in my direction. 

I stood over Kimberly, protecting her. This was insane! I unloaded all of my clips but they kept coming! They had reached us and I started to kick and fight them away. I was surprised at how strong I was.

The fighting went on for what seemed like hours. Finally, a woman walked in with black Egyptian-like hair. Katy Perry! I aimed a shot. "STOP FIGHTING!" She yelled.

I stood there, I had one last weapon and aimed it at her. All of the copies turned and looked at her. "Very good. Now march over to me!" She commanded. I wondered what she was doing!

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