Chainsaws, Guns, and Tears

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*Kimberly POV*

All I could think of was Reid and Kacey as I put on my pink and silver suit. It was very right against my body, but I didn't care. I had two chainsaws in holders on the side, a nice touch by Jim, I was sure.

I had a pink motorcycle type helmet with silver squiggles on the side. I looked over at Eric Church. His was all red and black with spikes all over with guns. All of ours were made of a special metal. We were all standing in what was called the Common Room, admiring our suits.

"Alright! Let's get everyone together!" I shouted. A few people came walking over. "Neil, let's get their attention!" I said. "HEY! COME OVER HERE!" We shouted together. I heard what seemed to be about a horde of like 500 or more people running towards me. We had picked up a few of our loyal fans and all of our family members we could get to, the others went into hiding.

"Alright, does everyone have their suits?" I yelled. "We can't hear you!!" A few people yelled. I noticed a few people talking. I grabbed one of my chainsaws and revved it up. A lot of people jumped. I spotted the table I had broken in my fight with Alexas a long time ago, in the middle. "MAKE A PATH, PEOPLE!" I shouted, walking forward. I was usually a nice, but dedicated and stubborn person, desperate times call for drastic changes. I finally got to the table. "Alright! Let's try this again, shall we!?" I asked. I heard answers from a lot of people. "Alright, so, there are bad guys trying to break into where we are right now. I don't know if this is kept under wraps, or if the media knows what is going on. All we know is, they are trying to bring down the Organization but we need to defeat them and reclaim music!

"Everyone into groups of at least 10! Make sure you know who you're with and make sure to protect them! All family members, take your suits and go into the rooms. They'll lock and we'll call you over the walkie talkies to tell you what's going on!" Alexas, if you please?" I asked. She stared at me for a few moments.

"Oh! Let me get the feed!" She said. The room was perfectly silent. I heard a screen click on and saw a tv come from the floor! "When was that put in? I just meant to use you know, a phone...?" I asked. "Jim has been working on installing things. Here we go!"

The screen flickered to life to reveal a barely holding together news anchor woman. She had bright blonde hair and big blue eyes. She was really skinny. "Country music is in huge trouble! All of the stars are being kidnapped as we speak! Dolly Parton and Willie Nelson are missing! Also, Kacey Musgraves has said to have been killed in a rampage at a local diner! What is with all of these killings? If you see any of these stars, please tell us! And this just in, a local hospital has been shut down! People arived in black jumpsuits and went in the building!" We watched the footage of Alexas yelling at the police to let us in. "That happened a while ago...?" I heard someone ask.

"Yeah, but ima thinkin this is all they had!" Someone else, I think Reba, answered. We saw a list of all those missing and thought to be dead on the screen. It was a super long list! "People have been going crazy! It's like it's the zombie apocolypse! There's even word of mind controlling going on! When is this gonna end? Will we ever see our stars that we love so much, ever again? People are getting attacked on the outskirts of Nashville! There have been reported bombings!" The TV switched off again.

"Well, I guess that's outta the bag..." Brad said. "Yeah. We gotta get this going, there's only a matter of time before..." I was about to finish when I heard a huge bang and what sounded like glass shattering! "Guys! Make sure your team members are ok! If they get hurt, come back to this room by the stairs! Everyone has a map in their suits! Let's go!"

I saw everyone get into groups. "Kimberly! We can't be in the same group!" Alexas yelled. I nodded. Her suit was light blue with yellow lightning bolts. She could produce electricity. "Alright!" I yelled.

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