Let's get out of this town tonight

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I floored the pedal. We were going at least 100 mph. "Where are we going?" Hunter asked worriedly. "We passed like 10 hospitals and you're going waay too fast and I don't even know you!" He said, he was getting agitated but he was still talking almost as fast as I was driving.
"Ya know, you'd make an excellent auctioneer if you weren't a singer". I smirked and floored th car faster.

I was an excellent driver. I could dodge people at top speed. The car in front of me on the highway swerved left, I swerved right. "How is she?" I asked quickly.
"She's not doing very well. And the dogs are worried. Her head is still bleeding. I don't know..." I floored the pedal angrily, it almost went through the floor. "She'll be ok." I said aloud. "I hope" I thought.
"We're almost there." I said after another 15 minutes. We were going to Greenville Tennessee. A usually 2 hour drive. For me, it was about 45 minutes. We had been driving for at least 30.
Finally I reach the dirt road. "This is in the middle of nowhere!!" Hunter yelled, stating the obvious. I looked back quickly, Hunter stared at me and looked down. His face was pale, "I think she's d.."
Hunter was interrupted by a phone ringing. It made us both jump as "Don't Let Me Be Lonely" By The Band Perry came through the speaker.
I pulled into the familiar patch of woods. I knew the road well so I could look at Hunter. I pressed "return home" on the car, a button in the glovebox (that worked in a certain range.)
Hunter looked down with a surprised expression. He reached awkwardly into his pocket, still caressing Carrie's head. "It's Carrie's."! I looked at him quizzically but said nothing.
He pulled out an extremely broken iPhone. "It's... Mike." He said slowly. "Give me the phone." "No. You're driving." "It's on autopilot."
He set it quickly in my outstretched hand. I had no idea what I was going to say. Something tells me, "hey, your wife's almost dead" isn't something a husband wanted to hear.
I clicked the phone answered, and turned back around.
"Carrie! Carrie! Where are you? Are you ok?" He said in a rush. "....Hey, Mike." I said quickly. (I decided not to replicate Carrie's voice.)
"Jennifer? What's going on? There was a fire, now my wife is gone. WHERE IS SHE?" He yelled desperately.
"Yeah, it's me. I have her, she's...." I looked back to a barely breathing Carrie. "Ok. I think." "WHAT DO YOU MEAN THINK!?" Mike, a normally very calm person, yelled.
"What hospital are you at." There was a bit of an awkward pause. "There is no hospital that can save her. I am going to send someone to pick you up and I will explain everything later. Oh, it's A154 by the way."
I hovered over END, "whoever you are, keep my wife safe." He sounded defeated and small.
We. Had pulled up to the building disguised as a cave. It was a gigantic rock that held a building and a system of tunnels. More advanced than Area 51, I was told.
Hunter looked at me like I was insane. "A rock. Instead of a hospital.. It's a rock. Yep, she's d.." He couldn't say it.

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