Dark Paradise

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⚡Lana Del Rey POV⚡

The walls shook as Alexas slammed the door. What had just happened? I had completely no idea. Reid looked confused and filled with bitter sorrow. "I..." I said awkwardly. I had a boyfriend but I didn't know how to let him down gently.

It wasn't like me to calmly let down a guy, I had done it to many of my fans. It hasn't bothered me before. But it did now. Reid was, surprisingly, a friend, and a close one at that.

"I.. I don't know what to say." Reid mumbled awkwardly. I smiled shyly at him. I didn't want him to think bad of me. Suddenly, the door opened, and in walked the most amazing man I have ever seen. And I hadn't seen him in such a long time. "Lana, babe, how are you?" I smiled at him happily. I noticed Reid looking at him weirdly out of the corner of my eye.

He had a deep voice that was smooth, so smooth, like a stone being cleansed a thousand times by water. His voice calmed my racing heart.

His eyes drew me in. I vaguely heard the door open and shut before I kissed him. It was as if I had just had my first and last kiss in that same moment, all melted into one. He pulled away too soon, I felt as if it was the time I had taken my last drink.

"Why are you here?" He asked me. I thought carefully about what I was going to say. "Look at me and tell me the truth!" He suddenly whispered, grabbing my chin, forcing me to look into his eyes. I was scared, scared for what was going to happen to me and to us.

"I.. I am helping them to figure out more about...." I trailed off. I looked into the distance and felt myself sway. The black haze came over my eyes and I knew what was going to happen next. I didn't try and fight it. When you do, you end up dead.

I was having a vision. He was mind controlled as well. I saw a few other stars but mostly him. The vision was over and I slumped down. I realized too late, my hand was on his neck.

"You're a freak!" He suddenly yelled. I scrambled backward and curled into a ball. "You're so messed up. Whatever you just pulled!" He yelled at me some more. I started to cry. "I..I thought you loved me. I still love you." I gasped out. My voice shattered with time, like a broken pocket watch. It was the first time in a long time that I had cried.

The door suddenly slammed. Reid and Kimberly must have entered a while ago. Reid glared at his back while Kimberly turned to me. Sadness etched on her face like stone. "I need to leave. To give this time to sink in." Barrie, the practically love of my life said. He was crushing my dreams.

I sighed in defeat. Kimberly did something totally unexpected. She started to block the door, like a lioness. "You will not come back unless I tell you to." She snarled, her voice thick with venom. She threw Barrie out the door and slammed it in his face.

Reid looked shocked and somehow not too surprised, all at once. "Someone had to do it. Can you go get my phone? I think I left it on my bed." She made an odd face and Reid scrambled out of the room.

I was still curled in a ball, tears fresh on my face. Kimberly carefully walked over and sat down. "Lana." Was all she said. I looked down, not really feeling like talking.

She went to gently lift my chin and I folded further into myself, thinking of him. She froze.

"Y'know, if you don't let me help you, no one will. You'll be all alone. Without your cigarettes." She said quietly. I was surprised that she said that. I peeped my eyes over the too of my knees. I was thankful that I had on a pink kind of hospital gown and shorts.

Sighing in defeat, "Fine. Do it your way." I saw Kimberly smile. There were a few moments of silence. "Are you always this nosy?" I asked, laughing slightly. I looked at Kimberly, she had no expression on her face. I began to get worried, before I could say something, she started to laugh.

"I scared you, didn't I! But, yes, only when I need to be." She was still laughing. I heaved a sigh of relief. She told me cheesy jokes, anything to keep me laughing. Finally, I unfolded completely and actually looked at her for the first time.

"Thank you, honey." Was all I said. My voice naturally dipping at the end. I glanced at the clock. It was 9:00 pm. "You're welcome. Everyone needs somebody." She smiled. Sighing, I laid on my side, facing her, "how did we get into this mess?" Kimberly just looked at me. "Maybe we need to be." We sat in silence, those 4 words repeating in my head.

She surprised me with a hug. I jumped back at first. No one, except random fans and guys had given me a real hug. I awkwardly hugged her back. "Sorry, I'm not much of a... Hugger." I mumbled. I felt her smile and she let go.

"You need someone who makes you happy. I don't know if he will do that." She said quietly. "But I've loved him for a while." I said, my voice breaking.

"Yes, I know. You need to not think about him now. Only think about the good, not the bad. If he's the right guy, he'll come around." She smiled at me. I smiled back. A real smile for the first time in a long time. It felt foreign.

The door opened. I turned and looked, it was Alexas. I smiled when I saw my claw marks still on her face. I turned back to Kimberly. "Thank you so much." This time, I hugged her. She hugged me back and whispered, "you are not alone." I let go.

She slowly got up and walked over to my journal on the table. She picked up the pen and picked a random page. She wrote something for a few minutes and then walked away, smiling at me.

"C'mon I sent them to pick up Taylor." Alexas said to me. I nodded slowly. She, to my surprise, helped me out of bed, I didn't have the heart to tell her I was strong enough and didn't have to be helped.

She lead me to the elevator. "Control Room." She called, the elevator moved. She said nothing as we stood in the elevator.

When the doors opened, it revealed a huge room full of machines. In the main room, there were three gigantic computers and four small ones on the desk. They were all controlled by a gigantic, grey keyboard on the desk. I walked forward. Taking a closer look, I was a regular keyboard at the bottom and random buttons that I had no idea what they did.

"Over here." Alexas growled, leading me to one of the adjoining rooms. There was a little desk, a small computer, and a lamp. I cornered her. "Why did you say that to him?" She jumped back, guarding her face. There was silence.

"I.. I don't know." I just stared at her and nodded, slowly. I moved so she could sit down. She clicked the walkie talkie. "Carrie, she's leaving Big Machine Records. Carefully grab her without doing anything suspicious." Before she could click it off I said, "Yeah, good luck, honey." Alexas looked at me.

"Thanks Lana." She clicked off. I smiled triumphantly. "And Alexas." She quickly added. Alexas went to respond and instead, "What did I tell you? Not to inter." She realized her mistake and clicked it off. "Not to interrupt. You need to stop doing that!" I rolled my eyes.

"God, You're acting like my mother." She stared at me. I jumped back and her hand hit open air. I stood by the counter once more. I leaned on the counter and accidentally knocked the walkie talkie onto the ground. "Great job. Now I have to fix it." She pulled out the drawer on the desk and grabbed a screwdriver and duct tape.

It took a little while. I tapped my foot impatiently. Suddenly, "Lana! Where are you!?" Alexas dropped the walkie talkie. "Really? So when you do it, it's fine!" I yelled, my anger boiling over. I reached down and grabbed the walkie talkie.

I began to feel strange. "What do you need, honey?" I asked, my voice shaking. "I had to have a little fight with your friend.. Alexas." I laughed. "Uh. It's alright. Before.. How did you escape The Others?" Carrie asked out f breath. "I'm going to grab something." Alexas said, walking off.

"Uh they sent me home. I have no idea why. They put me to sleep with the mind control, I think. Then I woke up in my apartment. I never put it together why there was a hole in my memory until now." I said quickly. I began to see blackness around my vision, my head was pounding. I began to feel myself fading. I looked down, my hands were white as snow.

"They made a copy of you!" I barely heard Carrie say. "A.. What?" I gasped out. The room spun and I fell.


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