Dark Dreams

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⚡Lana Del Rey POV⚡

I was in a palace. The walls were gold and black. The pillars black, the floor red, like blood.

I looked down and saw Carrie. She was asleep, in chains. They were black and had thorns. One had pierced next to her heart. I didn't know what to do. I looked down, I was white as marble.

I was nervous, even afraid. I didn't know what to expect. The floor shook and the walls grew darker. Somewhere, a clock ticked. "Hello!?" I yelled out.

My call echoed. Nothing replied. I sat down and cried. I cried for all the times I had let someone down, the times I couldn't help. I got up. I forced myself to stop crying. I needed to get Carrie out.

I walked down the halls, my finger tracing the wall. It started to burn. I stopped. There was a door. "If you believe, you can help her." Something whispered. I felt like I was drunk again. I knew that wasn't possible.

I didn't know what to do. The clock's ticking sped up. I knew we didn't have much time left. I had no idea where to go. Or what to do. I paced, wild with thought. I laid my hand on the door, it burned my hand, singed it. I backed away. It was the only door that I could see in the palace.

"If you believe, you can help her." I whispered. What did that mean? I stared at the door. It had now grown vines. They were black with bloody red tips. I was becoming lighter in comparison. I grew desperate. The clock was louder, almost deafening. This wasn't about me anymore. I didn't care if I died. If she made it and I didn't, I wouldn't care.

There was a great shaking. One of the vines had fallen off. It lay at my feet, a pile of dust. I ran through the halls to look at Carrie. She was becoming black. The poison from the thorns spreading. I began to panic. I touched the thorns, desperate to throw them off.

My hands became lighter, almost transparent. I became furious with rage. I was mad at myself. This was my fault. The blackness that had been at her hands and feet began to spread, creeping up over her clothes. When it hit any black surface, it became alive as orange like lava.

I freaked. I ran to the room. Another small piece of the thorn wrapping came off. "The key is me." I said aloud. I walked to the door. I knew it was my only hope. If I tried to pull off the thorns, it would make the poison spread faster.

I put my hands to the door. They were getting singed. I didn't care harder and harder I pulled. Until, I thought I'd die from pain, they ripped free. I looked down, my hands were black, singed. I didn't care. I touched the doorknob. It burned worse than you could imagine. I shrank back in agony, for the door was locked. I began to feel sad.

I looked up, the vines were reforming. I began to slowly realize. The key was me and my sadness. That's what was poisoning her. But how? I had no idea. I began to thin of me and Kimberly talking, when my father and I went shopping at those antique malls. The best was when Carrie wasn't afraid to help me.

I looked up, the door was gone. I walked into the room. It was white as marble, and bright as the sun. There was a little glass table with bottles and a key. I grabbed the key. Not caring if it hurt. I turned toward the door. Everything turned black. There was a huge tiger. It sprang at me, knocking me down. I desperately clawed at it, then I remembered. It was a dream. It was my mind playing tricks.

I stopped fighting and touched the tiger. It turned to dust and was swept away. I got up and sprinted to the room with Carrie. The poison was all around and in her. It was surrounding her heart, and the locket.

I stabbed the key into the lock and it opened. The chains fell away into red dust. Carrie was still poisoned. I ran back to the room. I grabbed one of the bottles on the table, running back, I forced Carrie's mouth open and I poured it in. Her eyes slowly started to open. They were unfixed, dead, and lifeless.

I did what I had never done, I gave her a hug and cried. "Oh, don't cry." I heard someone say. I turned around, Carrie was standing behind me, a hand on my back. I jumped, turning back around. Carrie was also laying on the ground. I turned and punched the standing one. She shattered into multicolored glass. I looked down, that Carrie was gone. I was staring at myself. Blackness came over me.


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