Chapter 25: On The Train Ride Home

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We woke up at 6:00 A.M. so we could be on the train at 6:30. One of the police officers drove us to the station and made sure we were on the right train. We looked out the windows.

"Hey look closely over there," I whispered. She looked closely at the centaur. The centaur waved at us. "No way!"she said. I giggled. "Okay, you can see through the Mist," I said. "Well, at first I thought it was a horse,"she said. I shrugged. My smile turned into a frown when I thought about the ship.

"You got that face on,"Hermione said, breaking me out of my thoughts. "What?" I asked."That face you have when you're thinking about your parents." I smiled."You know me so well." She smiled. "What bothers me is that you knew Bellatrix was my mom," I said. "How'd you know that I knew?" she asked, shocked. I swallowed a ball forming in my throat.

"I saw the way you looked on the ship. You didn't look all that shocked,"I said. "Well I didn't know. It was theory. I didn't tell you because I didn't wanna get your hopes up," she said. I smiled again. "Thank you, but there is something else. I can tell. Please don't lie to spare my feelings." She looked me in the eyes. She swalllowed.

"Bellatrix is one of the most important deatheaters in Voldemorts army." I held back tears. Hermione had told me about Voldemort and the deatheaters. I shook my head and bit my lip. "There is one thing you never told me. Who is your dad?" she asked

"Hades, God of the Underworld and the Dead."

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