Chapter 9: Good Morning

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I woke up, not remembering when I fell asleep.I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and yawned.I walked over to my dresser and grabbed my favorite outfit, consisting of my cut off leather jacket, a white shirt, a leather skirt, black tights,and combat boots.'Well, now I know where I get my taste for the color black,' I thought.

.I found a long rectangular box sitting on my bed. There was a note attached that said: 'I think this will help with your training. It is made from mahogany wood and core made from phoenix feather.' I nside was a beautiful wand. It had a beautiful red wood which I assume was mahogany wood. I put it in my boot.

I step out of my room and into the bathroom. I gasped at my reflection. My normally straight brown hair was all over and my eyes had red rings arround them.

"I have a lot of work to do,"I muttered. After I washed my faceand brushed my hair and teeth, I looked in the mirror."I look better," I whispered. I stepped out of the bathroom and ran into Hermione. "Sorry," I muttered."S'okay," she answered. We walked down stairs together."Good morning, girls," Mrs. Granger said."Good morning," I said. "Morning." We sat at the table.

"I hope you like eggs and bacon, Sierra. Cause thats what I made," she said with a smile."Of coarse. They smell extremely delicous,"I said politely."Oh, Why thank you!" She smiled and gave us our food. We ate pretty fast, so we could get to the lesson.

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Hey sorry its boring but the nevt chapter will hopefully be more exciting I just had to put something in there. I will add a new chapter in a little while. Anyway, thanks for reading, U rock

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