Chapter 41

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"What's the plan!?" Murr asked.
"Maybe, I could arrange a wedding for tonight!" I suggested.
"What?" Joe asked, quite confused.
"Well you could officiate my wedding. We could just invite close family and friends!" I exclaimed with a grin
"I suppose.." Murr said.
"But we will have to sort it all out now!" Q said.
"First, where?" Joe asked.
"On the beach. Where we first met!" I said.
"You could get Christmas lights to hang across palm trees!" Murr said.
"And get Jen to spend the day with her and wrote a cute note to tell her where to go!" Q suggested.
"And I'll drive her. You could put rose petals on the sand showing her where to go!" Joe said.
"I'll sort the lights and guests. Q sort the food, Murr get Jen on board and Joe find some rose petals!" I ordered nicely. And we got on with our jobs.

I ran home and ran upstairs to see Carly.
"Hey. How are you?" I asked her.
"Feeling a lot better now" she replied.
"Great to hear" I said, and kissed her forehead. "Where's the Christmas lights?" I asked. She laughed then looked confused.
"In the attic why?" She replied.
"Thanks!" I said. I went into the attic and grabbed as many lights as I could.

That Night.... The Wedding!!!!
The lights were dangling from the trees in the sunset as the guests began to arrive. I stood on the silky sand with the guys next to me.
'I'm about to marry the woman I love..' I thought to myself.

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