Chapter 12

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I sat back in the chair, my knees touching my chin, my hands rolled up in Sal's hoodie. I kept yawning, I couldn't help it, I was knackered. Murr and Jen still weren't back yet.
"Are you tired!?" Sal asked me.
"Yeah" I replied, rubbing my eyes.
"Come here" he said. I moved closer to him, confused what he was asking. He opened up his one arm for me to lie down, and cuddle up to him. I accepted the offer and nestled my head into his chest, and soon after I drifted off to sleep. I could still feel Sal gently moving his hand up and down my arm.

Murr and Jen walked in, after I fell asleep.
"Shh" Sal said as they walked in. "She's finally fell asleep" he told them as they placed the coffees on the table.
"You two look so cute" Murr said to Sal. Sal couldn't help but smile, because he agreed.
"Are you dating??" Jen asked.
"Well... not really" Sal answered.
"What do you mean not really?" Murr asked. "You either are or not?!" Murr joked.
"Well, I kissed her three times and then stupidly told her I love her" Sal told them. Murr and Jens eyes both widened.
"You what?!" Murr asked.
"What did she say?" Jen asked.
"Well she ran off to go to the hospital" Sal answered.
"I thought you didn't believe in love?" Murr said to Sal.
"I never did. After my relationship ended years ago, before the show began, and she broke my heart, I didn't believe in love. But I never felt this way before...until now" Sal told them.
"You fall in love too quickly" Murr joked. Sal rolled his eyes "wait... you said Q likes her" Murr said.
"I made that up dude" Sal replied. Jen laughed at Murr as he actually believed it.
"I've been Carly's friend for over twenty years, and I've never seen her look at someone the way she looks at Sal. I'd love it if you two dated" Jen told Sal.
"When was the last time you kissed her?" Murr asked.
"About twenty minutes ago" Sal answered. Jen and Murr both smiled, and eventually they decided to go home, but they promised to come back in the morning. Sal stayed with me for the whole night.

In The Morning:
I woke up, wrapped in Sal's arms. I turned around and sat up to see Sal was already awake.
"Morning" I said to him with a smile.
"Morning gorgeous" Sal said to me. I could see his face burning red as he didn't mean to say it out loud. I decided to make him feel less embarrassed.
"Your not to bad yourself" I replied, kissing his cheek. He immediately smiled. We sat there for a while just talking about random things until we heard a soft voice say
"Oh hello". We both turned to look at the bed and saw Betsy was awake. A smile grew bigger on my face. I went up to her immediately and hugged her.
"Your awake!!" I said.
"I think so" she sarcastically replied with a laugh. I got the doctor and he revealed the news she is perfectly fine. They want to keep her overnight just to double check but then she should be allowed out.

I sat back on the sofa chair next to Sal, who had his arm wrapped around me. Betsy was flicking through some channels on the tv.
"You still haven't introduced me to your boyfriend" Betsy said, smiling at me and Sal.
"He's not my boyfriend" I said with a laugh. "This is Sal" I said to them.
"Lovely to meet you Sal" she said. She flicked on the tv and landed on impractical jokers. Me and Sal began to laugh as she kept looking at the tv then back at Sal to work out wether it was the same person.
" that??" Betsy stuttered.
"Yep. I forgot to say Sal is famous!" I said to her. She was fixated on the tv, laughing at them on screen.
"Could you do me a favour, and get me a coffee?" Betsy asked.
"Sure" I said getting up. Because Betsy was watching tv I decided to aske if Sal would come with me. I held out my hand and he accepted.
We got her a coffee then waited outside the room as the doctor was talking to her. I placed the coffee on the chair beside me and stood up, waiting by the window with Sal behind me. I suddenly felt his hands wrapped tightly around me and his head resting on my shoulder. I covered his hands with mine and smiled.
"How are you?" He asked.
"I'm fine" I replied.
"No really. How are you feeling?" He asked again.  I slowly turned around and wrapped my arms around his neck, with my hand brushing against his hair.
"Better now your here" I replied, giving him a kiss.

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