Chapter 15

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Sal dropped me off at my place, then went home. I was constantly thinking wether to let Gary back into the business. I hated him, and I hated the fact he owned a majority of the business. I wanted to tell Sal, I desperately did, but there was no way I could. I didn't want him thinking I still liked Gary then leave me. For now this has to remain a secret.... my secret.
I got in then rang the hospital to make sure Betsy was still okay, which she was. Then I got into my pyjamas then jumped into bed. I felt really bad as I didn't talk to Sal much on the way home, so I wanted to give him a little text.

Me: hey Sal, sorry for being quiet on the way home, just wanted to say I love you xxx
Sal: love you too xx

The Next Morning
The next morning I got awoken by a banging on the front door. I ignored the first couple of times then decided to go downstairs and answer it. I swung open the door to reveal Sal and Gary stood there together on my doorstep.
'What if Gary told Sal!' I thought.
"Morning" Sal said. "I came here and this guy was here" Sal said with a laugh.
"Ahh okay" I replied with a smile. I gave Sal a kiss in front of Gary so he knows it's my boyfriend, then held Sal's hand and led him into my house. I slammed the door on Gary's face without talking to him.
"Who is that?" Sal asked.
"Gary" I replied. "Anyway what are you doing here?" I asked him. He wrapped his hands around my waist.
"I've got an exciting plan for us today" Sal revealed.
"But what about~" I began.
"The bakery is taken care of!" Sal said with a smile. "I just want today to be about my amazing girlfriend" Sal said.
"Why?" I asked with a smile.
"You've been under stress lately and I wanted to treat you" he told me. The door began knocking again.
"GO AWAY!" I shouted at the door. Eventually the knocking stopped.
"Hey, are you okay?" Sal asked me. I took a deep breath.
"Not really" I honestly replied. He sat down on the sofa, with me next to him, my hand on his. "It's just... that guy.." I began, feeling more and more tears in my eye.
"Gary?" Sal asked.
"Well he's my....ex" I revealed, and the tears began rolling off my cheek. Sal used his thumb and wiped away my tears then gave me a big hug.
"So?" Sal said. "We all have exes!" He said to cheer me up. "It's you and me now" he said. I slowly leaned back from the hug.
"Not exactly.." I said. He looked up at me confused.
"He wants the 50% of his business back, and I don't want him working there, but he is. As a manager" I told Sal. "Look, get out while you can! I'm a train wreck! I'll save you the embarrassment of dating me, you can just...leave" I said to Sal. I saw him, still sat there. Not moving. Not saying a thing. "Well are you?!" I asked. He spontaneously leaned in and planted a forceful yet tender kiss on my lips. Our foreheads connected as the tips of our noses touched.
"Does that answer your question" Sal said to me with a smirk.
'I love him' was the only thought racing around in my mind.

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