Chapter 36

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In that moment when he kissed me, I felt back to normal with him again. Like we were dating again. It was magical. I wrapped my arms around his neck to pull him back in for another. The rain was still heavily pouring and we were getting soaked outside. Sal broke away from the kiss. He was just smiling at me, and I smiled back.
"I suppose I better run home before I get even more drenched" Sal said with a laugh.
"Actually" I quickly said. "Could I talk to you?" I asked him.
"Sure. What is it?" He asked me.
"Let's go inside in the warm, and I can talk to you properly" I replied.

I opened up the door and walked in. Me and Sal were both freezing, so I turned on the fire, set up a few blankets, and we sat in front. I got a few towels to dry our hair.
"I just checked on my phone, apparently it's a storm!" Sal informed me.
"Oh no! I hate storms" I whined.
"I'll keep you safe, don't worry" Sal told me with warm smile. "Anyway what did you want to talk to me about?" He asked.
"Well~" I began. I knew exactly what I wanted to say. I just wanted to see if he'd like to get back together, but I couldn't think of how to say it. He was just looking at me, waiting for me to say something, but I didn't have the courage to!
"Nothing, don't worry" I said to him.
"It was obviously something. You can tell me anything" Sal said to me. He gently caressed my face, but as he let go, I held onto his hand.
"It's just... this past month without you has felt like hell. And seeing you again.. all my feelings rushed back to me" I began.
"Okay.." Sal said.
"And I still love you" i said. I broke eye contact from Sal and looked to the ground. "Would you like to... go out with each other again?" I asked, still looking at the ground. He held both my hands and tilted my chin up. He gently kissed me.
"Does that answer your question?" He said and kissed me again. I broke away from the kiss.
"Just to be clear, that's a yes right?" I asked him with a smile.
"It's a yes" he said with a laugh.

We sat there, in front of the fire talking about the most random things. I hardly listened to what he was saying... just focusing on the fact I got him back.
"Do you?" Sal asked me. I had no clue what he was talking about. I was staring at his lips but not processing any words.
"Do I what?" I asked him.
"Are you even listening?" He asked me with a laugh.
"Not really" I replied, giving him a kiss.

Jen and Murr came through the door, seeing me and Sal on the floor.
"Oh hello" Murr said.
"Hello" Sal replied to him.
"What are you two doing here?" Jen asked.
"Actually I better be off now anyway" Sal said. He sat there then smiled to himself.
"Come with me!" Sal said to me.
"Where?" I asked.
"My place. Move back in with me!" Sal suggested.
"I mean if Jen doesn't mind" I said turning to her, with a pleasing look in my eye.
"Of course" she said. "Finally, me and Murr get this place back to ourselves!" She joked.

When me and Sal got home, I went straight to bed as I was knackered. He tucked me up and kissed my forehead as I fell asleep and went downstairs and rang Q.

"Sal?" Q asked on the phone.
"We need to talk!" Sal answered.

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