Chapter 17

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I sat on the sand for a while, wondering where to go. I had no car and I was miles away from my house and had no money on me. I got up next walked around. I looked up and saw Sal sat on a bench in the distance. I walked over to him, and as soon as he saw me, he got up and drove off in his car.
I had no where to go so I wandered around the beach, hoping to see someone I know.

Sal's POV
I drove off leaving Carly stranded there. I felt awful, but she treated me terribly. She obviously wanted to date me just to get publicity, and I hated that because I fell in love with her. I still care for her, but we are over.
I drove over to Joes place, where Murr, Jen and Bessy were. I parked my car outside then walked into their place, growing my keys on the side.
"You might wanna go to the beach" I said to them all.
"Why?" Jen asked.
"I left Carly there" I said running upstairs.

The next thing I heard was Jen and Murr going out to the car and driving off to the beach to pick Carly up.
This was all Gary's fault!

Carly's POV
I sat on the bench where I saw Murr and Jen coming to get me.
"Why on earth are you here?" Jen asked me.
"Well your best friend.." I began looking at Murr "your best friend is an absolute IDIOT! He broke up with me then left me here! It's freezing!" I shouted.
"That's not like Sal.." Murr said.
"Of course! Because he's an angel I forgot!!" I shouted. I took a moment to calm down.
"I'm sorry. It's just he really annoyed me. Its not your fault" I said to Murr.
"No no no. I understand, I'm just not sure why" Murr said.

The next day I deleted Sal's number from my phone. I kept Murr on there as he was dating Jen. I headed into work to see Gary stood outside, along with another girl. I honestly couldn't deal with Gary today.
"Hello" I said, holding out a hand to shake to the girl.
"Hello, I'm Amanda, I'm here about the bakers job" she said to me, shaking my hand.
"Come in" I said, I gently closed the door behind to talk to Gary.
"What?!" I said to Gary.
"Look..." he began.
"No. I'm having a bad day, and yesterday wasn't great either. Please, just go away today. I'll talk to you tomorrow" I said to him.
"I was actually gonna say, today I'm going to buy some resources from the supermarket, drop them off here then come back tomorrow" he explained.
"Fine" I said, walking into my office.

"Amanda was it?" I said to her, sitting on the desk opposite.
"Yep. Amanda Vulcano. I'm here for the job as a baker" she told me.
"My ex had that name" I said wig a laugh. "Anyway, I'd love to have you on board.." I began.
After the interview she started straight away, and it was actually a great help.

Sal's POV
I had a text from my sister, Amanda, this morning telling me she was going for a job interview as a baker. I wished her luck then travelled into work. Today we were filming in the supermarket.
I was up first and I had to go in the aisle and just say some random things to strangers. First I had to go up to a women and pick up everything she was going to pick up. Then I had to go up, tap a guys shoulder and say something strange. The guys told me to go up to the guy in a leather jacket and tap his shoulder. He had his back to me, so I couldn't see him. I slowly walked up to him. I tapped his shoulder and he turned around.
It was Gary.
All the anger I felt yesterday came back. Me and Carly breaking up was his fault. I wanted to make him pay. He clearly didn't recognise me... or he just didn't have anything to say. Without thinking, I just threw a punch in his face.
"That's what you get!" I shouted at him, as he placed his hands over where I hit him.
"Oh your Sal" Gary replied. One thing Gary hated was to be shown up in public. "Your Carly's boyfriend" he said.
"Ex. Because of you" I replied.
"How's it my fault. Did she fall in love with me again?! I'm not surprised, she was probably just using you" Gary said. I punched him in the face. "That's enough" Gary said. He turned around, then threw a forceful punch at me, on my cheek.
"Wow wow Sal, stop!" Joe shouted in the microphone. All the security and the guys came down and stopped filming. I punched Gary again, and he returned a punch back, knocking me onto the floor, which I hurt my head.
"Sal!!" Q shouted. Gary stormed off. All I could feel was the hurt and this thumping on my side, and all the crew fussing over me.
"Are you okay??" Q asked.
I lightly nodded, even though I wasn't.
"Who was that?" Joe asked.
"Carly's ex, who Sal is blaming for their break up" Murr whispered to Joe.
"Call Carly" Joe said to Murr.
"Why?" Murr asked.
"He obviously wants to see her. This is Sal's way of getting Gary to tell Carly so she comes round to see him. Although I've never seen Sal like this before" Joe said. Murr called Carly, whilst Sal just led down in pain.

Carly's POV
I got a call from Murr saying there was an accident and I had to come urgently because Sal was hurt. I left Jen and Amanda in charge as I rushed over to the supermarket. I got in and saw Joe and Murr.
"He's really hurt. He got into a fight" Murr told me. I looked over to see Sal on the floor with Q next to him and the crew scattered around.
"With who?" I asked. Murr and Joe looked at each other.
"Just talk to Sal" joe told me with a smile.
As I approached them, Q saw me coming and got up and left Sal. I bent down next to Sal and saw him bleeding and bruises on his face.
"What are you doing here?" Sal managed to say. I heard the pain in his voice. I felt really bad for him.
"Who did this?" I asked. He hesitated to answer. "Who?" I asked again.
"Gary" he told me. I rolled my eyes. I was so annoyed with Gary. Gary used to always get into fights so Sal had no chance. I saw the crew get two chairs so I slowly led Sal over there to sit down. I fetched him an ice pack and sat next to him.
"There you go" I said, placing the ice pack on his cheek. He winced a few times, but it did help.
"Are you okay?" I asked in a concerned tone. After all I still loved him.
"Not really" he said with a light laugh, which faded as it hurt him. I ran my hand through his hair to calm him down a bit. He was vaguely smiling.
"So your not that strong" I joked to him to cheer him up.
"I could've beaten him. I let him win" he joked back with a little laugh. Inslolwy placed my hand on his knee.
"I'm sorry. This was my fault" I said to him. He placed his free hand on mine which rested on his knee.
"I'm sorry. I have been a jerk, and I apologised" he said. I smiled at him. I took the ice pack off him and adjusted it to cover his bruises.
"I'm also sorry about Gary" I said.
"It's also my fault" Sal said.
"Nope. It's mine" I said.
"No, I started it. And I shouldn't of started a fight with a guy with double the size of muscles and someone who had a perfect girl and let her go... like I did" Sal said, avoiding eye contact with me.
"Well I know who I prefer" I said. I slowly leaned in and kissed him. I could tell he was still in pain as he winced again.
"Sorry" I said, after I realised.
"Your worth the pain" he said, kissing me again.

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