Chapter 14

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"Gary? What are you doing here" I asked him, as he stood there in his leather jacket and jeans.
Gary was my ex.
But he's the worst possible ex you could imagine!
"Well I have moved back into New York, and wanted to check in on my business" he said.
"My business" I snapped as I walked over to Jen, with him following.
"That's not how I see it" he said to me.
"What?!" I snapped getting frustrated by the fact he was still here.
"Well it's our business" Gary said to me.
"I'm gonna be in the back" Jen said.
"My business. You do nothing for this business. You don't even work here!" I said to him.
"That's why I'm here! I own 50% of this business. And like you said, I don't do anything. So I'm here for a job" he said to me. I stopped in my tracks. 'This couldn't be happening. This was MY business. He walks in here and acts as if he can instantly get a job!' I thought.
"Let me think.... nope! Now if that's all..." I said.
"Well I think I deserve a job" he said.
"Even if you did, you can't bake!" I said.
"That's true... that's why I'm here for management position!" He said to me.
"Definitely not!" I shouted. "Just go away!" I shouted in his face.
"Look, I hated that I hurt you so much" he began.
"No! You didn't hurt me.. you killed my happiness. You cheated on me after 8 years together, took my home, then wouldn't give me back the other half of MY business" I shouted.
"Fine... I'll come back later!" He said, slamming the door behind him. I placed my hand on my forehead in frustration.
"This could not be happening" I whispered to myself.
Jen came back and placed a friendly hand on my shoulder.
"Are you okay?" She asked.
"Nope. You cannot tell Sal about this" I told her.
"Why?" She asked.
"We are finally dating and I'm not having Gary ruining that!" I said.
"Fair enough. What are you... we... doing about Gary?" She asked me.
"I honestly don't know!" I said. I slumped onto the chair, behind the counter, and buried my face in my hands.

That Night:
It was past 10pm, and Jen had left. I stayed behind extra late to think of any possible way to get Gary out of the business... there was nothing. The bell on the door rang, as the door opened.
"Sorry we are closed" I said until I looked up to see it was Gary. "What now?" I said to him.
"Look, I'm sorry about before. I can't just walk in and claim the business as mine. I was just hoping we could talk and you could hear me out" he said, pulling up a stool on the opposite side of the counter.
"Why? We all know your gonna win this argument... just like before" I said, not holding back my stress.
"I'm sorry" he said. "I just want to work here. I... I.. miss you" he revealed.
"Don't even start that!" I said. "You didn't miss me all those years ago when you took everything I had and left me!" I said.
"And I've said I'm sorry!" He said. "Not like you were perfect" he said. I got up from my chair and walked around the bakery.
"How wasn't I?!" I said. "I didn't cheat on you!" I shouted.
"Again, I'm sorry. But we both know I have the right to be in this business!!" He shouted. I could feel him behind me, following me.
"And again... no. You hurt me!" I said.
"How?! Because I left you? You should be used to that by now... first me... then your parents" he said. I snapped. That was too far. He had no right to bring up my parents. I turned around and slapped his face.
"Don't you dare, bring up my parents again!" I shouted. He placed his hand over his cheek and smiled. "Why are you smiling?!" I shouted.
"Ive waited for you to hit me. You needed to. It's your payback for me hurting you!" He said. I suppose he was right and that calmed me down.
"I'm sorry for hitting you" I said.
"I'm sorry for coming here demanding a job" Gary apologised. At that moment Sal walked through the doors.
"Oh hey Carly, is everything okay?" Sal asked. "Just, you never came home" he said. Sal had a cute smile and concerned face which made my heart melt.
"Yeah, I've been busy here. I'm ready to go home" I said, picking up my bag.
"Do I have a job?" Gary asked.
"I'll think about it" I replied, walking to the car with Sal.

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