Chapter 34

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A few hours later: (4pm)
Sal eventually woke up, wondering why he was cuddling me. Instead of him waking me up and pushing me away, he held me tightly and kept me there.

I then woke up, still in Sal's arms.
"Hello" Sal said, sounding a lot more happier than he did earlier.
"Oh hello" I replied still half asleep.
"I've gotten a text from Q and Murr inviting me over for a party tonight. It's for our producers birthday" Sal told me. I was so pleased for him. It would do him good to get out and about again.
"That's amazing!" I said, giving him a hug. Sal was slightly confused why I was so pleased, but he accepted my hug anyway.
"There's something else.." Sal began. I pulled away from the hug so I could talk to him properly.
"What is it?" I asked him. He held onto my hand.
"Well.. if I go it would be the first time I've been out in ages. And I don't really want to go on my own.." he began.
"You'll have the guys there!" I said to him.
"Yeah but they will just make a fuss and ask if I'm okay all the time. I was wondering if.. you would... go with me?" Sal asked.
"Definitely!!" I said to him with a smile.
"Doesn't have to be like a date if you don't want to" Sal said.
"I wouldn't mind if it was!" I said to him. "When is it?" I asked Sal.
"Tonight" he replied.
"I'll come round around 6 and we can go!" I said to Sal.
"See you soon" he said.
"Oh, and if you need anything, give me a call" I said, giving him a kiss on the cheek. I closed the door behind me and ran back to Jen's place. I was hoping to tell Sal how I feel tonight at the party, and maybe see if he wants to get back together again.

Once I reached Jen's place I ran up to the door and unlocked it and skipped into the living room. I saw her and Murr cuddled up on the sofa watching a film.
"Someone looks happy" Murr said to me with a little laugh.
"Where have you been?" Jen asked me.
"Over Sal's place!" I answered.
"All this time?!" Jen said.
"Sal is so amazing, funny, kind... cute" I said to them.
"Looks like someone loves him.." Murr joked.
I just smiled.
"And he's invited me to that party tonight!" I revealed. I quickly ran upstairs and got changed.

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