Chapter 22

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(Alex's p.o.v)
I can feel another presence, only it's not dead or alive. I think of how Elliot told me to call if anything happened, but he does'nt know about these kinds of things. Plus iI can handel this, or atIeast I think. I see the figure duck as it flies across the hall way. I ready my self for what it'll look like and possibly be. I'm backed up against the living room wall watching it hop from side to side till it's here. It stands 7'0 foot tall, has bright yellow eyes, and cracked gray skin. It flashes it's long fangs and forked tung at me. I brace for the attach but it never comes. Elliot was fighting it off. Elliot was wearing what he had on when he had left me, only now he wore a black leather jacket, and black army boots, while using that sword from that night.

(Elliot's p.o.v)
On the way back I could sense it as I got closer. Something was wrong, and like I figured she did NOT call me. "I should have known she wasn't gonna call"! I yell at myself for being so stupid. I kicked off my work boots and threw on my black army boots and leather jacket as I stopped the truck. I grabbed my weapon as I hopped out and ran in, hopeing it wasn't to late. I ran in saw it about to lung at Alex. I didn't think, I just jumped in. It put up a good fight, but in the end I won. Alex stared at me in shock "Your an elf". I knelt to her.

(Alex's p.o.v)
After Elliot won the battle, I was still in shock *He is a fucking fae* "Your an fae". 'yes". He then looked at me after he had exterminated its body and bowed to me. "what are you doing" I asked. He then looked at me and said "bowing to the savior of my kind". "Ohh God, will people drop it already" I said to him in an irritated tone. He looked up at me with a puzzled look in his eyes "what do you mean" he asked. "I mean stop expecting me to save you... I am a 16 year old teenage girl that just so happens to be a caster... I am not a savior" I yelled at him. "It's in the prophecy that you will save us all though" he replied. "I don't care if it's in the holy bible, I am not your savior" I said right back at him. He gave me a worried look. "besides it looks as if you can take care of yourself as it is" I said to him. "I only know how to fight because I was trained, I am your servant. I WAS SENT HERE TO TRAIN YOU". he said bowing again. "What"? I yelled at him. "I was sent to protect you and train you..... This is what I was trying to tell you but couldn't. I was sent here under cover as a high school student" he said standing up. Thoughts ran through my head "Wait... if that's true, than everything else you told me was a lie...You were just trying to get close to me.". Tears started running down my face. I seen regret in Elliot's face. "Yes" Elliot replies to me. "You said you loved me and I loved you back like an idiot" I screamed at him. I then punched him in the chest, knocking him on his ass. "Elliot, I hate you and never want to see you again..... Joe was right about you " I yelled at him as I ran upstairs to my bedroom. I then jumped on my bed and screamed at the top of my lungs in frustration. I then cry into my pillow till I fall asleep, hopeing Elliot isn't here when I wake up.

(Elliot's p.o.v)
She ran up to her room and locked the door, I heard her scream in anger and frustration. It hurt me worst when she said she hated me than when she punched me. I do love her. "What have I done" I scream into my hands. I sit on her sofa until I pass out....

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