🌟 .500.Years.12 🌟

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"Seiryuu, Byakko, Genbu, Suzaku, Kirin and Soul. " Lazarus acknowledged, bowing formally to the Kami-class spirits. Ai took note of the way he said her spirit's name.

"It is an honor to be in the presence of higher beings such as yours. I am deeply grateful to be in assistance. " He further added.

Ai raised a brow. Who knew that the music-loving and obnoxiously loud shaman could act so formal like a noble?

Huh. She was not expecting that.

"Ah. You are the Medium. It's been years since I've last seen you. " Seiryuu said, his voice cool and breezy as if he was whispering.

Dragon or Seiryuu is a mythological animal of Chinese origin and is a member of the NAGA family of serpentine creatures who protects Buddhism.

Seiryuu is Yuto's main spirit and is just as powerful as the legend and tales depicting his name and origin.

He is malevolent and a bringer of good wealth and fortune.

There was a rumbling from the left.

"It certainly is, brother. Lazarus-sama has gotten stronger since our last reunion. I am pleased to know that everyone here is present. " Yuto chuckled at Byakko's statement.

"Hey! I've gotten stronger too! " He whined.

Byakko or the White Tiger of the West, is also one of the Four Buddhist Protectors of the Four Directions that originated in China along with Seiryuu.

He is Ai's spirit since she was the only one who could withstand his violent and rough tendencies.

Byakko is often associated with metal, therefore to the Chinese, he was king of all animals, a protector, a preserver, the lord of the mountains and possesses extreme battle prowess.

He is a known god of war.

"Hm. Indeed, child. Though you are still as loud and annoying as I remember. " Suzaku's flames flared, his wings flapping as it emitted a few sparks of fire that strayed away from his wings.

Suzaku or Phoenix but mostly known as Red Bird or Vermilion Chinese Phoenix. He is portrayed with radiant feathers and an enchanting song that could ensnare anyone. He is said to only appear during times of good fortune.

Yuto gets along well with Suzaku, making them a good team since Seiryuu and Suzaku also makes a complete pair.

In both China and Japan, Dragon and Phoenix symbolism is often associated with the imperial family.

The dragon was the emperor and the phoenix was the empress, representing good conflict and wedded bliss.

"Wha---?! " Yuto turned to the redhead. "Am I really loud and annoying, Ai-nee?! " He asked with a hint of desperation.

"Now, now.. Don't be so pushy with my Akageno-chan . You might just inquire the ningyo's wrath! "

"Lazarus-sama, I am quite sure that YOU will be the one receiving her wrath if you keep teasing her. " Genbu spoke in a low, baritone voice.

Genbu or Tort, short for Tortoise is the most level-headed of the four protectors. He is a tortoise and both a snake that symbolizes longevity and happiness.

His shell is said to be the vault of the universe, it is a symbol of unchangeability and of rank during court girdles.

Genbu is Lazarus' main spirit. Despite his silent and calm self, he is actually the one who turns out to be the most bloodthirsty when outrage.

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