🌟 .500.Years.5. 🌟

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Yohken was very displeased. He could not describe the emotion he was currently feeling right now.





Those words were not even enough to describe it! How could he have let this happened? And what on Earth were their parents thinking? What on Earth was he thinking?!

Rin had joined the Shaman Fight because of him. He tried to reason with her not to join because of the possible casualties during the matches but she was stubborn. The Shaman Fight was not a playground nor was it a game for children to play with.

It was an arena where people will battle for the title to be the one true king and ruler of this world. The Shaman King.

It was highly dangerous for his younger sister to participate in it. He was joining in order to fulfill his duty as an Asakura but Rin also found out that it was her duty to keep her brother safe. He could not sway her out of this stupidity.

"No. I have made my decision. I will join whether you approve of it or not. I am no longer a child, Nii-sama. Please give me a chance to prove myself. " She argued back with a tone of finality, something he rarely saw her using.

"Rin.. Please. The Shaman Fight is--"

"You can't stop me, Nii-sama." She interrupted. "You of all people knows how stubborn I can be. "

The two others shared a look.

"Rin, Yohken-sama is right. You should just --"

"Not you too, Matamune. I'm strong enough to handle it. Besides, you said it yourself, Nii-sama. I'm strong so I should use my strength to help others. I will help you defeat Hao to the best of ny abilities. I won't fail you..! "

There was no mistaking that gaze.

It was solidified determination at its finest.

Yohken pinched the bridge of his nose while his guardian looked away. Once Rin decided to do something, she would not back down from it. She is pretty determined when it comes to her goals..


"Yes! " She cheered excitedly.

Yohken looked at her sternly. "But you will stay beside me at all times. No wandering around and don't talk to strangers! Everyone is to be regarded with suspicion. We don't know who Hao reincarnated into. But it is possible that he will join the Shaman Fight. That is our lead. Do you understand? "

"I do. I'll follow you anywhere, Nii-sama. I'll grow even stronger for you. We need to end the cycle of hatred and violence." He smiled, patting her on the head.

"You're already strong enough. "

Her smile fell and he noticed the sudden change if gears. "What's wrong? "

"I... " She began.. A bit reluctant to meet him in the eyes.

"Tell me, Rin. Maybe I could help. "

500 ʏᴇᴀʀꜱ 🌙 [ ᴛᴇᴍᴘᴏʀᴀʀɪʟʏ ᴏɴ-ʜᴏʟᴅ]Where stories live. Discover now