🌟 .500.Years.11. 🌟

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Ai watched the match between Yoh and Ren attentively. For some reason, she had a feeling that Ren was a dick beyond reasonable belief but she also knew that he was a good kid since he could see spirits and ghosts.

She smiled slightly to herself. She couldn't understand why, but at some point, it seems that she was getting influenced by Yoh's ideals.

'Everything would be okay.. '

That favorite line that Yoh would always say, it was engraved in her mind.

Ren and Yoh was ready to end their fight with their Giant Oversouls. It was surprising how versatile Yoh's mind was.

He was able to learn Ren's ability just by fighting with him and now, he's in par with Ren but not quite because it was obvious that the brunette was going to win this one.

Ai narrowed her purple eyes at Ren Tao. In his heart, she could feel the doubt and hatred, strong emotions that clouds a shaman's mind. He was strong, she could give him that but it wasn't enough.

Against an opponent like Yoh Asakura, you need something other than strength in order to win.

She could still sense other people's heat signature but it was mostly due to their furyoku present. It was nice to know that she retained some of her abilities from her past lifetimes. That and she could feel eyes boring holes on the side of her head.

Silva was cautiously watching her from a distance. He was hiding behind a tree along with his spirits. She disregarded the fact that a Patch priest was here to watch over the battle.

She never really liked the man due to his persistence. If Yuto was here, he would throw a fit.

" Ai-sama.. " Soul called to her. She gave him a tight-lipped smile and gestured to the two participants.

"Mm.. This match will be over after the next blow. Yoh-kun is....truly unbelievable. " She said with a soft gaze.

Ren was panting and sweating while the brunette was standing leisurely without any tension in his muscles. In this rare moment, he was sporting a serious expression, contrary to his usual smile and grin.

"It's not impossible. My super real ability.. " She heard Ren muttered, distress in his voice.

"Soul.. That person is troubled. This match means a lot to him. I think he already knows.. " Ai said.

" That he's going to lose? " She nodded at the spirit's comment.

"Don't get carried away! Destroy! " Ren shouted.

"Perfect Chuuka Zanimai!! " Ren attacked with his kwandao, jabbing multiple times with it while Yoh raised his Oversoul above his head to face the attack head on using his own.

There was a bright flash of light and a strong gust of wind, Ai had to raise her hand to cover her eyes from the dust.

It took a few seconds before the situation calmed down. The two had their back turned against each other, Oversoul in hand. She could feel very little furyoku emitting from the mediums.

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