🌟 .500.Years.10 🌟

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"Sis is crazy... " The younger Kurosaki muttered.

"I feel like I'm going to die... Is this... Heaven? " HoroHoro raised his hand, outstretching it into the sky, a dreamy look on his face.

"To think that there is someone much worse than Miss Anna.. Uh.. "The Elvis haired Shaman was slumped on the ground, body trembling and shaking.

"Manta.. Where's Manta when I need him? " Yoh mumbled in a low voice.

Everyone was sporting bruises and cuts all around their body. Yuto felt like he went on a marathon and ran all around Japan. He knew that his sister trained to the extreme but whenever she's Alpha, everything always ends up a disaster.

He felt like crying and running away. This is why he should have never accepted her challenge! But he also knew that he couldn't refuse her. She was his sister afterall and he hasn't refuse her yet.. He blinked owlishly.

'That time will never come.. I could never say no to sis... ' He thought.

Yoh remembered all of his trainings with Anna and how the blonde would add excess laps whenever he would take it easy. Anna was always strict and harsh but it was for the better since she wanted Yoh to become the Shaman King.

Thinking back to Ai, he couldn't believe that the redhead was much worse than his fiancee. He felt utterly defeated by the time it was sunset. His body ached all over and the redhead wasn't even panting!

He felt like his ego has been damaged severely.

'I was defeated by a girl... ' He sighed.

The Ainu began to think of Kororo and his sister, it felt like he was being delivered to the afterlife. Everything literally hurts and his awesome hair was disheveled as though he fought a bear alone. His body felt extremely light and for a moment, his life flashed in his mind.

He thought that Ai was more lenient than Anna when it came to training since he noticed that she was gentle and calm whenever she would speak to them. But underneath that calm posture rested an actual demon. He regret ever joining the challenge. He'd prefer Anna's cruelty anytime, even though it was the same as being treated like a slave. Still, atleast he would make it out alive.

'At this rate, I'd be dead even before I join the Shaman Fight in Tokyo.' The Ainu slumped even more at his thoughts.

Ryu on the other hand felt a bit different. Since he was older than than rest, he felt a small bit of admiration towards the redhead due to her astounding abilities.

Although pain was flaring from all different parts of his body, he was used to it since he was Ryu of the Wooden Sword. His pain tolerance was a little high compared to them due to the numerous fights and brawls he would get himself in to.

However, he wouldn't want a repeat of this... EVER.

'Miss Kurosaki is amazingly scary... '

Ai clapped both of her hands with a calm look on her visage.

"Okay. Come over here guys.. Let me patch you up. " She stated and her normal voice and expression was now back. Compared to her stoic face earlier, they prefer the gentle redhead at the moment.

"Sis.. Are you going to do the thing? " Yuto asked her. She nodded and patted his head while the blonde could only sigh in relief.

"Close your eyes. " He obeyed and felt a calm feeling washed over him. His fatigue disappeared and the ache from all over his body was gone. His strength was back but he could still feel a little drawback from the training earlier. It wasn't that bad anymore and he could now manage to stand.

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