Chapter 28

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It's already been a week since Cami took off his disguise and uh us 'Dating'.

I'm still confused.

He still calls me bestfriend. He still calls me Limpy.

He holds my hand so I don't fall and did.

Nothing has changed.

We don't kiss.

But we cuddle.

We always(!)do that. That's normal.

I need explanations now!


I turned Jay stood in my doorway.

"I've been calling your name for a while Rose. What's wrong?"

She took position next to me on my bed.

I sighed deeply." Cami said were dating but I don't get it."

She raised an eyebrow." He finally asked you out?"

"He said he sees me as a mate. That I love him the way he loves me."

She nodded." About time. He's been after you for a while now."

My face blazed. Can I tell her. Of course I can.

"Then why won't he kiss me anymore?"

She did a double take." Rose!"

I covered my face." I mean he's still treating me like a bestfriend but worse. When I stayed over last time he put a stack of pillows between us. What the heck. I guess he didnt want me to watch him but still. He's just-"

"Honey. You are so- You'd better not have sex with him!"

"I won't. I don't even know how you do that. I know a bit but I'm at a loss."

She smiled and patted my head." He's just protecting you Rose."

"From what?"


The hell does that mean.


Were dating.

I wish I could see him right now.

I lay flat down.

Jay stood." Dinner is already served."

"I'm not hungry."

She slowly closed the door." Being in love-"

I sat and thought of him. I imagined everything.

Especially the kisses. Definitely the kisses.


He smiled briefly." Good morning."

"Morning." I got in the car slowly." How did you sleep?"

He pulled away from the curb checking his mirrors." Lonely. I slept lonely."

I smiled widely." I see."

"You miss me right?"

"Not really." I shrugged. Lies. All last night I thought of nothing but you wishing I had you close. If I were to say that ego would grow so I'd rather not.

"Glad your okay. I on the other hand stayed up all night thinking bout you. I started working out to get tired but I got hungry and had to work out again. Fun."

I laughed but watched his face." You do seem tired."

He put on his turn signal. Answering absent mindedly." Whhhhhhhhat? I look flawless."

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