Chapter 18

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I smelled fresh soap.

My eyes fluttered open. Today is Christmas. I'm with Cami at the moment. Again.

I stretched surprised he wasn't crushing me like he usually does.

I'm free too move. I stood and showered quickly knowing what I wanted to do.

I wonder if he will be happy.


I found the long apron and got too work making him breakfast.Living with Juliyah meant I had some basic skills at cooking.

I made batter for crapes glad he had whip cream and fruits.I know its technically sweets but that's the best.

I got to work making sure to layer the crapes with whip creme and sliced straberries.

I decorated the top makin the edges fluffy and the middle a heart shaped by strawberries.

I went on to make the basic stuff he usually ate.

I could've made breakfast burritos but he would eat all of them I bet.

Angel shuffled into te kitchen speaking before he came in to see it was me.

" Ronnie can I please have some?You never cook for-Ooh you."

I turned seeing Angels messy hair I smiled."Good morning."

"What's all this?"He looked at everything id made.

I shrugged."I'm making breakfast for Cami.I can make you some too."

He stood beside me watching me cook.

"You made this!"

He pointed to the decorated crepes.

I nodded.

"Let me-I'll be right back-pull your hair up."

"Can you do it for me?Kind of busy."

He left I flipped the omelet and put cheese on half of it.I almost closed it when I remembered the pepperes I had cut.I tossed them in added the mushrooms and the chopped sausage.

"Man that smells Good."

I felt his hands pull my hair into a ponytail.I flipped the fifth pancake and started to cut the others in fourths.

"Can you give me two plates?"


He watched me arrange the food.

"What the hell!You a professional or something?"

I smiled."No Juliyah and I use to cook together and make designs.Its the fun part."

He took pictures while I ran up the stairs to get Cami.

I saw him shaking his hair yawning.

"Good morning."

"It smells Good. Angel cooking?"He Finally looked at me and noticed the apron and hair.

"I uh made you breakfast.Merry christmas."I said nervously trying to sound chipper.

He stood and stretched." You did? Well I'm gonna shower first."

I grabbed his wrist and pulled him down the stairs."It'll get cold."

He let me tow him chuckling. I stepped into the kitchen seeing all the dishes I had to clean.Sigh.

"Well eat."

"YOU MADE THIS!"He asked incredulous.

"Yeah.Sit and eat."That's insulting.

"Damn you even arranged it."

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