Chapter 6

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The soft knock came to my door again. I had finally calmed down and was officially planning on not ever going to school. Ever."Come out and eat. They've been gone a long time ago."I said nothing to her. I didnt need too. She knew me well."Your going to school tomorrow."

I sighed. I would go but I would say nothing to him. Nothing.


I felt crappier then usual in the morning and its probably because I had to beg my way out of counseling. I went straight to school and sat in my seat at first period. He was already there and I could see the bandages on his hand I also saw jockeys hitting it. Naturally I intervened.Only this time I was not quiet everyone could hear me."Get your hands off him!"

They smiled and left after commenting on me being on my girl thing(PMS.Ugh.)He turned to me as I sat in my seat again. I swept my hair over my shoulder so I couldn't see him.Seeing the bandages were not helping me at all.

"Hey um.I wanted to say tha-"

I looked at him slightly then back out the window. I heard him sigh.The day dragged on and even worse when I saw Dewon and waved at him he ignored me and practically glared. Even worse I saw Shane waiting at my locker and I decided I didn't really need to put my history book away. I started on my way home when I realized how disappointed Juliyah would be in me. I sighed and found Cami. He was stumbling around and looking like a total nerd. Fragile and cautious yet giving up all hope of even fighting in the situation. I knew that look well. It pissed me off that he could pull it off with out actually going threw what I did to know those feelings. I stood beside him saying nothing and looking away from him the walk to his house was pretty slow...yeah I know I was hoping that since I had adrenaline going threw my body I would fall less. My wish did not come true. I just fell and felt it less for the moment. I stopped on his porch and turned to leave when Jeremy scooped me(Literally)Onto his shoulder.

"Un uh. This weekend is for me and Juliyah. You two are going to...Hey are you okay?"

I was very silent during this time. I guess it was my reaction to the situation at hand. I knew I couldn't do anything about him just picking me up like some weird body bag. I'm guessing Cami had opened the door because he sat me on the first step."You good? Okay sorry just stay here with him and mom alright little sis?"

I nodded. "Okay."

He smiled."Good girl."He turned to leave.

I caught his wrist."Wait your not going to sex her are you?"Oops!

He laughed."So you are use to us. I'm glad. But I gotta go. Hey boy behave your-Tell him I said behave."He ran out the door barely closing it. A few seconds later I heard his tires screech.

I looked around,naturally Cami had gone upstairs to his room. I could hear the shower water already. I sighed there goes my genius plan to avoid him. I wanted to apologize for going all crazy like that but didnt really want to bring it up if he didn't want to either. This is so frustrating! I took off my boots and headed for his room. I saw him holding a familiar piece of clothing. I screamed and snatched it.


I clutched my cute butterfly panties that he had been holding. I watched him for a second longer and I felt the hatred pound threw my veins. He reminded me of someone and I really didn't like that. I turned and headed down the stairs. I fell naturally but stood and started to limp the rest of the way.

"Hey what was that? Sorry,you really don't like lace."

I growled. "You are such an asshole!"

"Did you just curse? I'm sorry. Why are you so mad?"

"Because your fucking disgusting!"I started to put on my boots again I was not going to stay here any longer.

"No. Whats with the strong reaction? Hey im talking to you."He grabbed my wrist and pulled me to the kitchen.

"Your exactly like that asshole Shane!"

"S-shane? What about Shane? Sit down."

"No let me go."

Of course I couldn't really fight against his strength so I almost gave up but thinking of Shane really got my blood boiling. If only I could destroy him. I watched the creep make a bowl of ice cream and sit it in front of me. His green eyes bored into mine trying to suck the truth from me.

"Whats wrong? Come on you can tell me."

I shook my he had. I refused to tell not even Juliyah knew. I grabbed the fork and started to eat the ice cream while flashes went threw my head of that nasty beast.

"Look I know you dont want to tell me but,I need to know. I didn't know about the...other issue you had but you gotta warn me. I dont want to see you like that again best friend."

Best friend."You know your exactly like Every guy. Your such an ass."


"Best friend you pervert. Do you go threw your friends under clothing too?!"I demanded. I was so pissed its like my head might explode.

He seemed to think a joke would be genius." Only the hot ones."

I was so mad that I blurted."Next thing you know you'll be holding a camera in front of a girl and undressing her!"

"What I-"

My body froze. I cant believe I just said that. I looked quickly at the table and then started eating the ice cream faster.

"Did that happen to you?"

I stayed silent. I cant believe I said that. He was suddenly hugging me to his chest."Ugh. Let me go!"I complained sort of shaken and afraid.

"I cant believe you went threw that. When was this,god that is just...Come here."

He said this yet the whole time he was crushing me against his chest."I cant breathe."I complained."It never happened to me it happened to a f-friend."

"Stop lying to me. When was this? Stop crying."

I wiped my eyes. I was so mad at myself for telling that I kept it a secret for so long. No matter how much I wanted to tell Juliyah I never could. I wouldn't. He wiped my eyes to.

"Shh its okay I'm gonna get you help okay?"

"No,I'm not hurt,I'm pissed."

"Wait your crying because your mad?" He demanded seeming to be confused.

"Yes I cant believe I told you! I'm so stupid."

He watched me and patted my back."When did this happen?!"

I flinched away from his volume. I stammered out the answer."8th grade summer."

"Last year!"

I nodded.


I clamped my mouth shut but then sighed. Its not like he wouldn't figure it out anyway now."Shane."

I watched his eyes grow darker. His jaw tightened."Shane punk ass."

"Can we not talk about this? Please don't tell anyone."

He stared at one spot for a very long time my ice cream had become half melted. Then he looked in my eyes calmly."What did Juliyah do?"

My eyes wandered the room avoiding his gaze."She doesn't know."

He stared in my eyes for a long time I could see the restraint in them. I decided to defend my reasoning."NO I-Well she would blame herself for what happened. I had just got better and she wanted me to have friends. She wanted me to go out and when Shane invited me I went along because he seemed nice to me. Then he thought he drugged me but the fact is,I dont even like coke or pepsi so I uh didn't drink it and he came in naked with a camera trying to undress me. I told her that I didn't like the party because people made fun of me and that was it. She cannot know. I dont want her to stress she has enough alread-"

He hugged me again. I stayed still and bit my lip waiting. After a while and I dont know why but I started to cry.

It wasn't because I was angry either.

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