Chapter 20

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"Shoes off."

Oh right. I pulled them off Taking off the coat." I'll put the movie in now."

"I'll be cutting the cake."

Did you have to buy three cakes? Fatty. I popped the movie in wondering what to expect. I watched the trailer laughing at the goofy little movies.



He sat next to me on the floor.

I watched the cake." Why'd you bring the whole thing?"

"I'm gonna eat it."

I shook my head disapproving."You will get fat."

He ignored that.

I'm going to cut him off.

We watched the movie it was really interesting. Her hair was like three miles long. He played with my hair eventually after I cut him off at 1/3 of the cake gone.

When she cried and laughed I turned on Cami I knew what he was trying to say.

" I get that the conceited guy is totally you but there is no way I'm her. I'm not a cry baby."

He stared at the T.V and smiled a little." Yes that guy and I are alike. You remind me of the girl because your sheltered and innocent. The lizard is Juliyah ."

I faced ahead watching the movie. He pulled me against him.

The house phone rang he leaned so that he reached it on the coffee table.

"What?" He said into it.

I tried to focus on the movie it was getting really good.I wrapped my arms around my knees sitting up straight.

He smiled after hanging up pulling me against him I didn't pay much attention she finally was about to see the lanterns and her hair looked super pretty.

I cried 3 times.

It was a wonderful movie.

"I'm glad you liked it crying girl who had no similarity to Rapunzel."

"That was awesome he was like after years and years of begging I said yes. I can imagine you saying that."

"Can you really? Go wash the dishes. "

I hurried feeling a lot of energy pouring threw me.

" Take a shower."

I nodded my head humming.


I opened the bathroom door finding a bag and ignoring it until my shower was over. I watched my hair in the mirror. I wonder if I can get my hair like that?

I knocked the bag over finding the dress. I stared at it. When did he buy-

"Let's go wait for me over there."

That's when-that sneaky little!

Is it okay to feel happy?I put the dress on stepping out watching him watch me his face twisted up disgusted. I'm guessing its because I was Bawling my eyes out.

He then proceeded to laugh.

"Stop crying."

"Why you have to go and buy the dress!" I tried to stop crying." Next time ask me so I can say no."

"Of course. I'll remember that for next time. I'll be ready in a bit."

"Are we going somewhere?"I asked sniffing then bowing my nose with tissue. My thick eyes were still leaking over.

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