Chapter 27

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I probably should have told him I can't eat.

He Sat watching me.

"You ready to listen to how much hurt I was in."His face was flushed." I stopped eating"

I stared. Blinked twice. Wait he's serious." No way!"

He nodded." That's what everyone said."

I moved the fork around.

"Me too."

"I was super confused and mad at myself. I thought well knew you were mad but I didn't know why you were avoiding me. I cried when you told me to stay away from you. Like at school I couldn't drive home. I almost died three times. My heart was torn I missed work.

It was pathetic. I don't know if I've ever felt pain like that. Then I got mad cuz your a tiny little thing how can you hurt me? I'm Cami. That's what I was thinking.I mean it was comical for me to be hurt over you. Your too small to be a threat in such right? Everytime I turned I would see you but you weren't there I missed you like crazy. Missed you nagging from all the way down there-"

I cut him off annoyed." Look you insult my height one more time..." I let the threat trail off.

He grinned." That's it."

He knocked the bowl off the bed. Well that's so rude I cant believe-

He got right in front of me. His lips touched mine. I stayed there knowing i shouldn't and cursing myself for not moving. I still have a chance to move.

Oh. Yeah no hands stop it. Don't pull him closer. Stop it right now. No.

He pulled back." Don't ever do that again."

I dropped my hands quickly. Yeah now he's mad." Sorry my instinct said uh hold you um okay. Sorry.

He raised an eyebrow." You really are retarded."

"I'm sorry. " Yes he's really mad. Damn it.

"Look here incompetent human. I've loved you since....well shit when did it start? Not Important."He chuckled." I've been seeing you as my girlfriend for the longest time but then again I set a line for safety measures for you. I can't believe you...well i guess you picked up on my vibes. Everyone has known it. I just didn't want to tell you."

I nodded.

My heart lifted but I kept it right.

"I know you mean as a best friend but I feel happy then sad when I hear-"

He hit his forehead with his palm." No. I've loved you Veronica as a possible mate."

I blinked then I shouted confused." When was this?!"

He laughed." Forget about it. You busy tomorrow?"

I looked at my leg then him letting my sarcasm roll." Gee I wonder."

He hugged me to his chest." Good teddy bear."

I closed my eyes loving his voice his body. Everything. Too much. Calm it down. Before he gets mad again.

"So you do forgive me right?"

"Do you forgive me? I forgive you Limpy."

I raised my eyebrow." Why do I have to forgive you? You didn't do-"

He sighed." I don't try to be but I'm really sexy. Please forgive me its a medical condition."

I rolled my eyes but smiled widely. I wrapped my arms around him.

"Conceited much?"

His voice came back strained." I don't care if you are injured teddy bear you still have sex appeal. Behave yourself"

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