Chapter 16

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This is really Good.Linda can cook really Good.

"Linda this is amazing."Claire managed between bites.

"I didn't make it."Linda smiled and pointed to Cami( who totally had three plates!)"He made it."

All eyes on him.Still didn't break his concentration.I'm surprised he didn't get conceited.To busy being fat.

I watched him longer wondering how he managed to eatt like that.

I finished my plate and headed straight for the cake.

"I found her.Trying to eat the cake by yourself huh?"

Cami picked me up and put me over his shoulder."I have on a skirt."

"It's alright. No one wants to see your little ducky underwear."

Really? Duckies! "They're not duckies they're hearts jerk."

"That's cute."

"Yours are probably just stripes."I growled as he sat me down in the dining room.He's finished already! Fat.

"I make everything look basic so it doesn't matter bout the pattern."

Ignore him.Pervert.

Andy stood with his empty plate."Man that was Good.You got better at cooking."

"Naturally.Gramps don't eat too much.Take it easy."

"Your one to talk."I muttered.I want that cake.It seemed so lonely without me.

His arm went around my shoulder as he hugged me to him. I should hide that cake.

"Ah.Cami!"I shouted realizing What I wanted to ask him."Come over here."

He lead us to the kitchen."What?"

"I thought you said Angel's parents were suppose to come."

He shrugged.I sighed.Man that sucks.How could they be like that to him.He's their son no matter What.

"Don't worry about it."He interrupted my thoughts.

I looked up at him.His smile in place.

"He got me.Their not important."

My heart lifted and I smiled at him."Being conceited again?"

"Of course.Have you not noticed the world revolves around me."He winked.I rolled my eyes at him.

"I'm done with you."

He started washing the dishes I helped putting them away.

I heard laughing.I turned to see him watching me.I noticed the suds he had on his nose I laughed along.

"You look so cute!" He Finally said.

"Me?Your one to talk."I went back to putting the dishes away.Stupid cups.Should I get a chair?I looked at the stool.Yeah.

My hand reached for the chair when the water immediately shut off and Cami's voice filled the kitchen.

"Limpy!What are you intending to do!"

I looked at him. I would usually talk back to him but this is a serious moment clearly.

"I'm trying to put the cup away."

He smiled sweetly but his eyes.Scary.They promised murder.Even his voice had gone sweet."Why in the hell would I ever allow you to do that?Do you think I'm incompetent?Over my bloody dead ass body.Sit the hell down in the living room.Kay?"

Such a gentle voice.I know real fear.

Why?Why is he so mad?I feel like crying.

He grabbed the cup and put it in the cabinet.He took a deep breath and slowly turned to me.All the pretend sweetness gone."Your still here."

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