Chapter 4

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"Okay here's how it is. At my old school I use to be..."

"Picked on."I guessed surely. Even though I couldnt picture that really happening.

"No.The opposite. Everyone loved me it was annoying. Do you know how that feels to have everyone waiting for you to speak following your every command?"

I watched him silently. He was absolutely serious."What? Really? Thats the reason. Now you want to be tormented? Are you mental?"

He blinked. His long lashes sprayed out as his eyes stayed closed."You know...I think your to comfortable with me right now."

I cringed. I was a little to uncautious but...Jeremy is right down stairs. Plus he wouldnt actually hurt me. I think.

"Thats not the whole story. Okay? A lot of girls wanted a piece of this and...well I wasnt really one for relationships so I usually said no. One girl in particular is what ruined me. She was the girlfriend of a gang member. I could handle myself in a one-on-one but against 20? No that wasnt happening. Then again I couldve gotten some of my followers to help me out but,I wasnt that guy. I didnt want to get people hurt simply because I was to sexy to resist."He shook his head."So I avoided any conflicts told them I wasnt going to fight. I had no reason to."

"So,"I said slowly trying not to only focus on his obvious conceited-ness"you never fought the guys. Oh I guess you want to avoid that here?"

"Well actually I wouldnt have cared but when-"

"Dinner is ready!"

We both jumped and turned to the door."After you."

"No its okay ill go secon-"

"I dont want you to fall on me. Ive seen you walking downstairs. Im surprised your not permanently damaged."He smiled then laughed when I walked out the room tipping a little to the side of course.


"Ronnie!"The mom yelled and I jumped.

"Huh? Im sorry what did I do?"I had ate dinner with them and now I was simply trying to get home. It felt empty I was waiting for Juliyah to come and watch me eat like a creep or humm and clean the dishes while lecturing me about getting a boyfriend. It never came and I really just wanted to go home. Although their was some weird things goin on in the house. The way they both followed what ever cami said. It was crazy. Was he the dad or something? Geez.

"Oh sweetie not you im talking to camiron. I guess that name could fit the both of you."

"What did you want?"

"Umm is she walking home alone?"

He sighed and stood up from the couch."Of course not mother."He looked at me and smirked."I shall walk you home."

I put my shoes on and stepped out into the cold wind. I stepped down the steps but took a short cut by falling straight down. I groaned and whined and said oww then stood up ."I hope you didnt damage my porch."

I turned to see him stepping out the house and closing the door. He wore a jacket while i had on a coat.

"Arent you cold?"

"Of course I am."

I nodded and started walking he caught me two times. I sighed this is embarrassing. People dont even get surprised anymore. He laughed and walked with me. At one point he grabbed my hand and pulled me across the street.

"Are you trying to kill me."My heart was beating painfully in my chest.

"I had you. There is no way for you to have fallen with that."He released my hand."Your just walking so slow."

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