Chapter 8

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My dream was confusing. Juliyah was dancing,tap dancing to be exact,Jeremy was making weird indian noises and when I tried to ask them what was going on A petal would fall. I finally decided to leave the stadium(?) find Cami. He stood on a cliff a Purple flower in his hand. He turned around with this inhuman smile.

"Best friend"

I forced my mind to wake up quickly.

I twitched a little feeling something under my head. It wasn't a pillow. My eyes tried to see everything while still squinted. I felt the movement and a hot arm layed across me. Pulling me closer. It totally didn't help my overheated body. I felt his warm breath against my cheek.

I wiggled and whimpered. I struggled against Cami. Finally I stared at him lifting an eye brow. How can he sleep with me like this? Am I not heavy? Isn't sleeping next to me uncomfortable? When is he going to wake up?!

He groaned,his eyes fluttered and his green eyes watched me.

My eyes were wide.

He simply stared at me. Then He smiled at me,a smirk. "Good morning."

I blinked. Very confused.

"You sleep wild."

"Umm. Okay."I moved again. Not sure how to tell him to let me go. I was sort of use to being randomly held.

He sighed and closed his eyes sinking back into unconsciousness.

My eyes widend."Hey!"

His eyes popped open."What?"


"Oh my bad."He sat up and stretched." Sorry midget. Your like a little teddy bear."

"I'm not a midget!"I stood and tripped over my suitcase." Ow."I groaned.

"I'm taking a shower alright."

I think I broke the suitcase! Oh no. I spent half an hour trying to fix it. Nothing worked. I gave up and simply grabbed an outfit.

After I showered I fell down the last stair and crawled to the kitchen. The smell of baccon and eggs hit me. He had just placed two cups on the table.

My stomache growled."Food!"I stood and pulled back the chair.

His head turned so quickly,it scared me even more than the glare that came along with it.

"You were just crawling on the dirty floor,"He somehow managed between clenched teeth,"Wash your hands. Now."

I did the walk of shame to the sink,washed my hands and sat down .

"Where is your mom?"

He put a full plate in front of me."She should be at work."

I picked up my fork and watched the baccon,eggs, beans and fried potatoes. I started eating the breakfast he made. It was Good.

He sat across from me and pulled his pony tail holder out.

He started eating.

"Are you serious?"I questioned putting my fork down.

He looked up at me for a second then decided to ignore me. He continued eating.

I watched the two overloaded plates that sat in front of him. He really is going to eat all that. I watched him eat and occasionally ate my food.

He finished before me and started washing the dishes.

"What do you want to do today?"

I drank the last of my milk and stood giving him the cup."I don't know."

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