Chapter 1

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"Rose!"She called her voice clawing at my ears. As usual. I groaned and pulled the cover over my head. I did this every morning, hoping that she wouldn't notice the lump in the covers and go about her business. Every morning ended with my sister Juliyah getting me out of bed where I stumbled got my clothes and showered. I didn't eat breakfast.

"What is wrong with your hair?"She demanded wearing her formal outfit to go to school. Her brown eyes and light hair matched her outfit.

I ran out the door fell down the steps and called back after getting up "I'll comb it at school or something."I walked falling as usual. It's late november and its cold out. I heard the cars zooming past as I went to my....High school. As I walked I fell at least three more times a terrible headache hit me furiously. I was walking around the corner where half a mile away the front doors to my school invited me. The silver and pretty big building in my view  getting to be a bit common. When I first got here I was awestruck now  its just....Ugh. Well the true reason its ugh is because of one thing and knowing that ticked me off. So I wasn't in a really good mood, when I heard"Rosay."

I turned around not really knowing what my face showed.

"Ugh. Another one of those days."She guessed by my hair. Her name's Emily shes a cheerful blond who always talked to me and sadly enough I told her I had a headache almost everyday so she started calling me rosay saying I just had a hang over. That stupid name followed me every where it was ridiculous. I only have one everyday because I fall all the time.

"Yes."I said simply.

"Give me the comb."

I handed it to her. Im 14 years old 5'2 (I'm tall!) and I'm mixed. Black and puerto rican. My hair was long and oddly enough very straight. It went to the middle of my back. I walked alongside her wishing she wouldnt yell her enthusiam in my ear any longer when I saw it. Stupid idiot jock guys,man they ticked me off.But what I mostly saw was them emptying some guys book bagg. He looked the part. Nasty baggy cloths ugly curly hair braces so big his mouth couldnt close and eyes so black it looked creepy,but he didnt deserve that to happen to him. No one did. Me knowing that the most. After I went to a new school I kept quiet so no one messes with me anymore im kinda invisible. Well to some people. I watched him hurry to pick up his stuff,But they only messed it up more then left when they saw a pretty cheerleader. I watched him pick up his things trying to collect all the papers and utensils,no one even thinking of helping him. I walked past like the rest of them. I mean who was I?I was no better than them.

In first period he came in late his first day here and everything.I started to think of the past of how my life was before 'he' came and talked to me. I might be quiet and look like im attentive but im a known day dreamer. Teachers pass it off as shy so I hadnt heard him tell me to raise my hand.

"Yes by the one who's to shy to raise her hand."

I looked at my desk as every ones eyes were on me. He sat down next to me.

"Hi im camiron."He said lowly greeting me making himself comfortable.

"Hi.Veronica."My voice was barely a whisper but I think he heard me. I watched him during class. He didnt deserve to go threw hell like that. Thats it. I'll be his friend. If that might help ill give it a try.



"Whats wrong."Juliyah asked coming into my room even after I slammed it shut for emphasizes on the whole leave me alone thing." What happened? You got bullied again."She stated angrily.

I shook my head sitting on my bed. She sat beside me."No I didnt."

"Then what?"

I knew she wouldnt leave me alone unless I told her. I sighed conceding defeat."I saw a kid get bullied today.They did so much mean stuff to him in the lunchroom." I could still see it,that look on his face,everything.

It took a while to respond but when she did her voice was gentle."Oh...It reminded you of yourself."

She was right on the money."I didnt do anything even though when I was in that situation I eventually got some help...No one helped him." I felt like crying but kept fighting it back.

"Maybe you should. You do a fine job at protecting me."

I groaned. No I did not.

"Did you cry?"

"NO!" The fact that I was about to cry now was a whole different story though.

"See you have improved."

I rolled over and layed down ignoring her. Finally I kicked her leg."Get out!"

She laughed."Rose dinner will be ready be sure to ask me for help on your home work."

"Dont call me that!You know I hate that!"

"And you know I say it with love. Not to make you mad." She responded evenly.

I sighed. I need to stop taking out my anger on her. I sigheed again. She closed my door and left me with my thoughts.

She sat the plate down in front of me. I had just stumbled down to the kitchen after lying and saying I would starve myself to death. Our kitchen consisted of a white table and white chairs. She repainted one day when she didnt have school for a while(Shes in college already)It was soft purple like my room she knew I loved purple. She mostly did it to cover the white wall with the rose painted on it. I was gratful for it. She sat across from me."Tell me if you like it. Its a new recipe."She had her hands folded nervously watching me. l took a bite of the pasta. As soon as it hit my tongue she started in."Do you like it? Does it taste good? Does it taste funny?I tried to add all the right spices that you like to balance each other out so that each bite you'll get a new flavor. Oh I should have asked which flavors were your favorite or maybe had one stronger then the other. You dont like it plain right?You never did before wait let me make something different-"

"Stop!"I ordered her after I swallowed my first bite."I like it its good dont change it."

She stood up and sat next to me throwing her arms across my shoulders."I love you!"

I tried to take a second bite. I groaned"Move your boobs out of the way Im trying to eat."

She laughed and sat next to me smoothing my hair and humming while watching me. In alot of ways over the years,I had started to see her like a mother. She was emotional enough to be one. After dinner I took A bath and went up to my room. Tommorrow would be the day that I did something about camiron. I will do it. Ill protect him.

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