Chapter 10

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They worked out together.I sat and watched laughing.It was funny how Angel looked at Cami after every new exercise.First they did Jumping jacks,2oo hundred.None stop.Angel was dying but Cami took a deep breath and went too push ups.

It took a long time for his annual work out.I got up and looked out the window.

"Whoa.That was nice.Im gonna go shower now."Cami stated going up the stairs.

I looked at Angel he layed on the floor unable to move.

"He works out a lot."I said sitting by him.

"Yeah.I can see how he keeps it up though."

I nodded thinking of the story I was told about Cami's past.It was still hard to take in.I didnt want to think of something like that happening to him.That should never happen to anyone.Ever.Especially not by a parent.Some one you trust so completely.It was really sad.I felt my eyes sting.I tried to not think about it.He would get sad if I cried.It would remind him. I wonder if he thinks about it all the time.If while hes working out he see's that time in his head again.He feels those emotions again.I hadnt noticed a tear had fallen until Angel wiped it away.

"Why are you...Do you know what happened?"

I blinked I didnt think he had told anyone."Know what?"

His eyes narrowed as he watched me."So...He does...?"

I looked at him confused.What is he talking about.

"Dont cry.okay.No crying.Smile.Your smile is beautiful."He pondered something then grabbed my hair."Its a sleep over right.Yeah uh I'll braid your hair for you."He reluctantly started doing my hair.I sighed.Why do they attempt to braid my hair?They cant do it.

"There done."He said finally.He brought me to the mirror in the hall.I gasped.It was so pretty.He braided it in one big pretty swurl it hung at my shoulder I touched it mesmirized."Your really Good at this."

He turned bright red "You think so."

I smiled widely."Yeah.Your amazing."

His head hung low.I looked at him confused.His eyes were red.I heard Cami come down the stairs.He wiped his eyes.I frowned.

"You can shower now."

"How you can take 10 showers a day is beyond me."He headed up the stairs.

"What's wrong."Cami demanded running his hands threw his wet curly hair.Then he stopped."You look beautiful like that.You did it."

" Oh no actually umm Angel did.Hey he seems-"

"What you let him braid your hair."His voice emphasized his hurt expression.

Suddenly I felt guilty."Oh I'm sorry I didn't know."

"That's a bestfriend thing.You just-Im hurt."

"Don't be hurt I'm sorry."

"Not to mention you already-"he sat on the couch I followed."gave me a cute nickname."

I tilted my head."I did when?"

He smiled and patted my head"Your the only one too call me Cami.I like it."

Am I really?"Oh sorry."

"I like that it means your comfortable with me and a true bestie."

Really?Is that what it takes.I didn't know that.

"I've been thinking of ones for you."


"What do you call Dewon?"

I asnwered unsure."Dewon."

He laughed really hard.

"What's so funny?"I demanded.

"You want the D."He stated.

I tilted my head.Oh for Dewon.

"Tell Juliyah you want the D."

"She knows I like him already."

"Just do it."

I nodded.It feels nice to talk to him.Usually i'd hold it all in.He hugged me too his chest.I wonder if Angel is okay."Does Angel come often.Here,I mean randomly."

He nodded."Yeah.His family has issues."

"Do you think he would tell me?"I looked up at his chin he backed up to look me in the eyes.

"Can't see why he wouldn't.He's never told me.His father has though."

"What's going on."

He smiled."Your not afraid of him?"

I shook my head."He's really..."What was he?Why could I feel so calm.Oh."Well he's your cousin he can't be that bad.Plus he freaks out like Juliyah use too."I thought back to Juliyahs attacks of questions especially when I would fall.I laughed when I remembered moments ago when he yelledand ran around looking crazy. He's Sweet.

His jaw set.He said nothing then smiled."Well he is a Good guy."

My head tilted again.Cami sat lost in thought.

He laughed out loud suddenly.

I squirmed from his arms angleing my body so I could see his now red face.I didn't question him.I simply waited.

I heard the shower cut off.

"I have a new nickname."

I nodded.

His expression changed.He stared at me."Limpy warrior."

I blinked processing this information.My anger kicked up .

His expression stayed the same he went on to calmly explain ." For some odd in explainable reason you are still alive after many almost death experiences .That shows that you are very powerful and you have survived .Your a strong warrior but your still limping from the hard fight...Limpy warrior."

I take offense to that That's so-" Your rude ."

" How?" He proclaimed" I just honored your strength and ability ."

" Your making fun of me ."

His smirk indicated I was right." It's original bestie."

"Don't call me bestie you rude jerk." I stood and headed for his room .I fell.

"Limpy Warrior."

"Hush."I continued my journey.

"Tonight we tell ghost stories."

Yeah.Yeah.Yeah whatever." I have a question.How do you fight off an attacker?"

He sat at his computer not answering for a while." Why?"

"I want to fight off an attacker." Duh.

He frowned and stared at me his jaw tightening.He got up from his chair with a big goofy grin." You keep your bestie beside you at all times."

I rolled my eyes at Cami."I'm serious."

He put his hand over his heart ."As am I."He pretended to sniff and wipe a tear away. He smiled when I glared then he got on one knee. He grabbed my hands and kissed it." For you Oh Limpy Warrior I shall give my life. "

I watched him and felt my face redden.

I heard laughter behind me and knew angel had heard and clearly was laughing at that nickname.

Camis green eyes sparkled as he looked up at me then threw me on his shoulder screaming " All hail the Limpy Warrior."

I waited for him to sit me down.

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